Saturday, November 02, 2013

Do You Believe In Protein Sensitivity?

Joico K-Pak
Healthy Hair Question: 
Q: Do you believe in protein sensitivity?

A: I'm a fan of protein. I use a heavy protein treatment at least once a month and I've started using a protein leave-in on my ends 2-3 times a week in hopes of keeping my ends strong and healthy this winter. Does this mean that all protein products work well for me? Absolutely not. But I do, believe that all rizado hair will benefit from a dose of protein. You just have to find the right product for you and the right frequency of use. Before you banish all protein products from you stash, consider this:
  1. Change your protein product's place in your regimen: Perhaps applying a medium protein conditioner after shampooing but before deep conditioning will work best.. Shelli from hairscapades-- one of my favorite bloggers---as gorge length retention and uses Joico K-pak Reconstructor with every wash day for 15 minutes before rinsing and deep conditioning.
  2. Reformulate your leave in cocktail: Some products play better together than others. So if you're getting a stiff or sticky feeling when using a protein product, switch out some of the other items in your cocktail to see how it plays with others. Remember that when you apply 3 products you are actually adding 15-20 or more ingredients to your strands.
  3. Date other types of protein: There are so many types of protein that you can use, ranging from extreme to light. Urban Bush Babes has this awesome list of proteins and what it affect will have on your hair. Pick a new contender. Follow him up with a super moisturizing conditioner. See if you like the results. If not, try again---there are definitely more fish in the sea. 

If all of this fails, load up the protein in your diet and keep your hair as moisturized as possible. But should you ever you start to notice more breakage than normal or your hair just feels "off," whip out you favorite clarifying shampoo and deep condition with heat + a medium protein conditioner. I promise you that you won't regret it!



  1. I rarely see my hair looking like it needs a protein treatment. My hair is never over moisturized. It is not color treated, not relaxed, I don't use heat, but sometimes I do a protein treatment before braiding my hair. My hair likes collagen protein. So I stick with that.

    1. Thanks Nerline. What collagen product do you use to prep your hair with?

  2. Great Advise KLP! My hair loves protein as well

  3. I believe my hair loves protein but in the very beginning I'm pretty sure I had an overload, which I corrected by switching to a moisturizing poo and condish

    1. I'm not sure if I've ever had protein overload but I have noticed that my hair doesn't respond so well to liquid protein leave ins.

  4. I dont really believe in protein sensitivity, just that more people should be more knowledgable about their hair before claiming protein sensitivity. My hair only like certain proteins, so I stick with those.

    1. I don't believe in it either. Especially considering that Aphogee 2-step brought my hair back from the "dead."

    2. I totally agree with this! I dont think most people know how to adequately use protein nor the type of protein that works for their hair.

      Since hair is predominantly made of protein, saying you are sensitive to it is kind of like saying you are allergic to blood or oxygen. Seems silly but its a comparable comparison.
      check out this post I wrote a while back too:
      this remains my most popular post to date.

    3. Even now that my hair is unprocessed---I use protein conditioners to protect my ends room wear and tear.

      I still don't believe in protein sensitivity. But I do think that certain proteins can make a person's hair feel differently---and that difference is then categorized as "good" or "bad" to the person. There are some high protein products that I don't use because I don't like the way that it feels on my hair. But I still wouldn't say that my hair is protein sensitive---I'd say that my hair doesn't agree with that product.

  5. I have now learnt how my hair handles protein but I have started to incorporate protein on my ends only, for the same reason as you try and keep the ends strong.

    1. Yay Maureen! I'm glad that I'm not the only one trying protein layering!


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