Friday, May 16, 2014

Color Me Rad 5K | Saving My Hair After ...

Mark (the boo) and I did a 5k "Color Me Rad" run about two weeks ago. It was simply bananas! My hair was drenched in colors. Altho, some of my fellow runners wore caps or some protection around their hair. I opted to just "let it go!" I decided, Hey! I can make this a DEEP deep wash day!

The Actual Run:

This 5K was somewhat of a challenge for me -surprisingly-- because it went through and around and behind, you name it, Six Flags. My knees could not handle running through the gravel section of this long trek. and I was not a fan of going up then down then up again a few hills! :/

However, I LOVED every moment of this run. Every one was just having a great time. There was running and walking, but mainly laughing. We went through 4 color stations, where we were drenched in either red, blue, yellow or purple! At the end, I was a walking crayon!

Goodie Bag: 

We got an awesome bag of treats from the organizers. We received sunglasses, tattoos, stickers and t-shirt! #ColorMeRad

My Hair Reality: 

I would advise/caution not wearing a cap! lol Although invigorating and fun, it was torture! hah! Seriously, it was not that bad. The colors came out very easily and my hair was back to normal (after a LONG DEEP DC). I had to wash colors out before shampooing with clarifying poo and moving through an abbreviated process. I skipped "pre-poo" because I was scared of anything settling in my hair. All in was seamless and refreshing!

Great Time... A lot of Fun!

If there is a "Color Me Rad" or Color Run, I say "DO IT!". #YOLO lol



What 5k have you ran or will run!?


  1. OMGosh! It looks like you had a blast! Your hair just kinda looks like you went cra cra with hair chalk LOL! >>I'm totally jealous! I wish that I could have gone!

    1. It was cra cray !! LOL you shall/better come next time!!!

  2. Aw that sounds really fun! I love how exercising is so popular now that events like this even exist!

    1. I know! I really was not a fan of running haha but now events like this...make we want to try and give it my all! Plus it's fun! :)

  3. You look like you had maddddd Funnnnn!!! My kinda event. I was a long distance/cross country runner in Highschool and Junior college but i've never ran a 5k in my adult life. It's on my bucket list!!

  4. You look like you had a lot of fun!

  5. Your pics make me wish I was there it looks soooooo fun. Never did a 5k tho or any k for that matter....yes I am unfit lol.

  6. I've never done a 5K but I would love to someday, you and the boo look like you had lots of fun :)


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