Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Best Moisturizer for Natural Hair EVER + The #WashDayExperience

Hmm...Let me add some fine print to that before y'all fry me...

The best moisturizer for my natural hair

That I've ever used to date...

*boy, that was awkward...*

Now that we got all the legal mumbo jumbo out of the way. Chile, let me tell you all about this amazing moisture concoction that I came up with!

I casually mentioned this moisture mist when I shared with you guys How I Protect My Hair Under Kurly Klips. But today, I wanted to elaborate on it's awesomeness.

In this cute little blue bottle is Aloe Vera Juice, Glycerin, vitamin e oil, and a few drops of tangerine essential oil----you know---so that it smells heavenly.

I mist it on my twists every night after I've pulled my Kurly Klips down. Then apply a small amount of Jessicurl Too Shea Conditioner focusing on my ends. I usually seal with my DIY Hair Butter, but---but because I want to really keep my ends protected from the exposure to the friction from the clip-ins---instead I'm sealing with Jamaican Black Castor Oil. Then I pull all the twists back into a low pony tail and cover with my scarf.

And let me tell you this---my hair---relaxed, texlaxed, or natural---has never been this moisturized.  

Remember when I had to dust my ends a couple of months ago because of dryness (and overall laziness)? Yo---all of that nonsense is a thing of the past since I started using this mist and protective styling!

Just in case you missed it, there are only four ingredients

Aloe Vera Juice
Vitamin E oil
Essential Oil (just for the scent)

Yes. You may fangirl now...

How was your #washdayexperience? Share the details with the rest of our hair obsessed squad!


  1. This post is a sign from the universe for me because 2 or 3 days ago I added aloe vera juice to my grocery list to mix up a moisturizing spray. You've made me even more excited to try it out!

  2. Thanks for sharing dear, it sounds like something I should try and seems easy enough!

    1. This spray is STUPID easy to make! I hope that you try it!

  3. ALoe vera usually makes in differenxe in my moisturizing mix, thanks for the reeminder to pick up some.

    1. I think that all of the ingredients by themselves are great, but together---that's when the magic happens!

  4. I've never tried aloe vera...thanks for sharing, pencils it down. On a different note, how do I remove a link? I've been trying to remove the first link.

    1. Hey doll! This moisturizing mist has been a game changer for me. I hope that you try it!

      No worries about your duplicate link. I removed it for you!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Lol @ your disclaimers. I think you're legally covered. No law suits in your future. :-) Your mix sounds really nice. Do you like sealing with castor oil? How long does your hair stay moisturized?

    1. You know that I HAD to include the disclaimers or someone would go in on me. LOL.

      I'm on the fence about sealing with castor oil. I think that it definitely works well and it keeps my hair moisturized, but I loathe the smell. The likelihood of me continuing to seal with it once I ditch my clip ins isn't very high but we'll see!

      ...that was the worse non-answer ever...LOL. Sorry chica!

  6. I've been hanging out on the sidelines watching you work the natural life like a pro. You've done an amazing job with your Kurly Klips as well. I love all the styles you've created. I will be re-visiting mine when it cool down some.

    Jay of

  7. I need to start experimenting more with aloe vera juice. Bought a huge jug and have hardly used it. How do you store your mix and how long do you keep it before it's "no good"?

    1. Hey Andrea!

      The bottle that I have (which is from the vitamin shoppe= is 6oz. I mix up one batch a week. Because I use it daily on my real hair and my clip ins, I haven't experienced it going "no good." If you're not going to use it straight away, you could probably get 2 weeks out of it if you keep it in the fridge. I can't really recommend keeping it any longer than that.

      Thanks for stopping by chica!

  8. Thanks for sharing the recipe with us. I love the hair!

  9. I really need to try this!! Thanks for sharing this recipe KLP! Any tips on how to keep the spray from going bad? the aloe Vera juice I have bought always says to use it within two months, even when stored in the fridge...

    1. Hey Becca,

      Because I use my spray daily, I've never had it for more than a 5-6 days (I use it VERY liberally). My best suggestion is that if you don't plan on using it daily, keep it in the fridge at most 2 weeks. Anything after that seems pretty gross. LOL.

      I hope that helps chica!

    2. Welcomes chica! Let me know if you try it!

  10. Wash day posts feature so many beautiful heads of hair. I don't get a chance to participate as nearly as often as I would like but I cheer you all on each and every week.

    Jay of

  11. Love the post and am definetly trying this spray. Thanks

    1. IDK what I'd do without this spray! I promise you that if your hair is anything like mine---it will LOVE this moisturizing spray!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  12. Hi. I just discovered your blog so I have a lot of posts to get through and will likely have questions on old posts. With this spray what are the proportions of the ingredients used (1 ounce of each etc?) and just want to confirm no water in the mix right?
    Thanks, Neuyogi

    1. Hey chica! Thanks for reading and following!

      I don't usually add water to my mix but by all means try it and see if it works for you!

      My bottle is 8oz, so I usually fill the bottle about full with Aloe Vera then add a few tablespoons of glycerin. I'm never really "exact" about the measurement. But if I had to guess, it's 3-4 tbsps. Then I a tbsp of vitamin e oil and a few drops of tangerine essential oil.

      I sure hope that this moisturizer/detangler works for you the way that its worked for me. I LOVE IT!

      I just followed your blog!


    2. Thanks for replying and thanks for following! Always nice making new hair friends :)

    3. Welcomes!!! I'm all about spreading that positive pixie dust!!

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