Thursday, February 18, 2016

Declutter Your Hair Products in 5 Minutes

If we're honest, we'll admit that our hair product stash is overflowing. For starters, this headline piqued your interest. Secondly, I'm totally in the same boat. While, it will be crazy hard to part with all of your gems, BOGOs, and miracle elixirs, trust me: It's worth it.

Related: Why Being A Product Junkie Is Ruining Your Hair

Decluttering gave me a chance to truly evaluate my products to see if they were aligned with my hair goals. My decluttering process took an entire year *insert shame face here* but it wouldn't have taken that long if I was more honest with myself.

So before you start your next #WashDayExperience, I challenge you to take 5 minutes to clean out your stash. Are you ready for a simpler hair regimen that still will give you amazing results?

Related: My Minimalist Natural Hair Regimen

Here's how you can get started:

3 0   D A Y  R U L E

If you haven't used it in the last 30 days---Let it go.

U N I D E N T I F I A B L E   L A B E L S

If you don't know what it is or how to use it in your hair---Let it go.

L O T I O N S   &   P O T I O N S

I know that you love to DIY---but if you don't use it in two weeks it's probably growing mold---Let it go.

O T H E R   P E O P L E ' S   I S H

If someone gave it to you and you haven't used it in the last 30 days then you probably won't ever use it---Let it go.

B R O K E N   H A I R   T O O L S

Combs with missing teeth? Brushes without handles? Hair pins all jacked up? It lost. Your hair won. Your hair will always win---Let it go.
Related: My Wash Day Corner

Let all of this mess that isn't working for you go, so that it can serve another purpose. I've used shampoo as hand soap, to clean my bathrooms, and even as solution for blowing bubbles with my minions. Conditioner can be used to shine stainless steel appliances, detangle doll hair, and even as shaving cream. The path to your best hair starts with aligning your actions and tools with your desires.

Do you have any other tips for decluttering your hair products?



  1. Ha! Great post! Although my stash is still inexplicably big, I did throw out a few products last wash day... and it was absolutely exhilarating LoL #justletitgo2016

    1. LET IT GO

      LET IT GO!!!

      YAS girl! We are getting organized and aligned in 2016!!!

  2. Great tips! I'm not a product junkie, nor do I have many products or products I don't but the post was nice and informative for all the sisters out there piling up on hair products. Keep doing it!

    1. How in the world did you make it without becoming a product junkie?

      *bows down*

      Now that's talent chica!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. You know I had to come read this. I,ve got a little... sorry media case that I use for my hair products. I totally need to drop quite a few things in the trash! Great tips. I've totally been using my Shea Moisture Extra Moisturizing Shampoo as hand soap. My hair wasn't for it but I love the smell when I wash my hands! :)

  4. Great tips! I need to tackle my every growing stack; do you mind coming to NYC and doing it for me? LOL just asking.

    1. I got you chica! Once it warms up tho! It's too cold right now! LOL

  5. I've gotten rid of a lot of stuff over the years. Not a PJ anymore thankfully :-) I do some DIY though but only make enough for what i need.

    btw, not sure you noticed but you misspelled "minutes" in the title of the post, it's write everywhere else so i figured its a typo

  6. These are very good tips but lol to the other uses of conditioner *as I hand over my conditioners to the hubby for shaving*
    Great post KLP! I was actually preparing a post on tips to reduce one's stash. The one that has really helped me is not going to the beauty supply store. I only go once a month, with the exact amount of money I need.

    1. Great minds think alike! I used to limit myself to $25 worth of new products every month. Even that was too much especially when I wasn't actually finishing the bottles!

      Can't wait to read your post tho! I'm going to need help keeping my products to a minimum!

  7. Im a minimalist myself and also economical so I am very picky with what I buy and bring home to my house. Love your little trolley. Looks so clean and neat. Did you know you can use conditioner as a fabric softener for cashmere clothes?

    1. I didn't know that! How cool. Too bad that I don't have any cashmere clothing #ballinonabudget LOL

  8. Great tips! It's so easy to accumulate hair products and accessories. I try to donate unused products to the Salvation Army. My goal for this year is to repurchase products that I actually use. I also try to go through my stash on a weekly basis now.

    1. It's CRAZY easy! I love that you declutter your stash weekly chica! You betta get it!


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