Sunday, January 26, 2014

Healthy Hairology Medley

Sunday Healthy Hairology Medley is the place where I share my favorite healthy hair related blogs, vlogs, and forum features for you each week. Here's the best of the best from last week:   

Why I Kissed Heat Goodbye mylonghairjourney Regardless of your hair texture orif you choose to chemically treat it, ditching direct heat will most certainly benefit your length retention. Here are the reasons why Tola has kissed heat goodbye.

Hairstyles for a sock bun - 30 buns in 30 days - Hair Romance
Hair Romance
Deep Condition or Baggy? relaxedthairapy: Why choose when you can do both? Divachyk shows you how.

Pitching Brands The Right Way andyestojoy:  Healthy blog related. How did you get that sponsorship? Is one of the most asked non-hair related questions that I get. And the answer is: I pitch. Check out Amber's thoughts on how to pitch your brand the right way.

How Many Ways Can You Style A Donut Bun? hairromance: Every time that I hear "Protective styling is boring." I want to cringe. It doesn't have to be, all you have to do is get creative. Christina has 15+ ways to style your bun to get you started!

Hair Growth From The Salty Mess karlshappilyeverafter: Regardless of what your hair texture, shampooing less, will prevent your hair from drying out. Check out Kristy's other tips.

How Wearing Ponytails can cause breakage latoyajonesblog: I constantly switch up my updos for this exact reason: wearing taught ponytails, buns or braids can cause more harm than good. Check out LaToya's tips on getting your hair to bounce back.

I want to see what you thought was noteworthy! Create a post of your weekly favorites and link up with us below!



  1. I love those informative links. Thanks!

  2. Your face looks so fresh in that picture! Flawless

    1. I posted a pic of my cut, I totally forgot I took that pic

  3. Yay, I made the list! I love those protective styles. I need to step my game up.
    Divachyk @Relaxed Thairapy

    1. I've been sporting a low bun for months now, I really need to get my bun life back on track!

  4. Thanks for the links girl, I think you've solved one of my issues. Pony tails oh lord!!


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