Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sunday Healthy Hairology Medley

Twist out with satin rollers
Sunday Healthy Hairology Medley is the place where I share my favorite healthy hair related blogs, vlogs, and forum features for you each week. Here's the best of the best from last week:
How to Prep your hair for and on relaxer day tomesedition: Prepping for relaxer can feel daunting, even for the experienced self-relaxer. Check out Tomi's tips and tricks for making the process seamless.

Heat Stretching 101 for Natural Hair easynaturalhair: Although I'm not natural, I love and have adapted Alicia James' process for tension drying her hair. I always use the blower on cool and never on my ends. Here's why.

Are steamers worth buying? thenaturalmavenboom: Personally, although I love hair experiments, tools, and gadgets, I have no place for an expensive hair steamer. I loathe sitting under a hooded dryer and I'm sure that I'd feel the same way about a steamer. JC suggests that steaming affects hair the same way that applying warm conditioner to your hair does. Shocking right? Your wallet can thank you now.

Best Products for Long Term Protective styles adesiredbeauty: I'm vicariously living my braid dreams through Melanie over at adesiredbeauty. If I ever get braids, I'll definitely pick up the products she lists.

End of Week Hair Share fromalxwithlove: Need a cute protective style for an old set of mini twists? Check out Alex's gorge updo!

I want to see what you thought was noteworthy! Link up your compliation below!



  1. I love this twistout! I received my package yesterday and can't wait to try the Macadamia natural oil products out. Thanks again :-)

  2. I'm trying a twist out today myself because I was tired of the flexi set and my hair and I fight when I try to bun it. I like the concept of a steamer but I really want to "borrow" a hair dryer from a salon. 20 minutes later and I've got nice dry hair. I hate sitting under dryers at home. The thickness and the home dryers just makes me say screw it and air dry.

    1. Hahaha! I haven't used my hooded dryer in almost a year. Perhaps its time that I dusted it off?

  3. Thanks for linking my post!

    Never tried satin rollers before, maybe at some point, I suppose they'd be comfortable in which to sleep?

    1. They're really comfy to sleep in. Now you're not going to get the best rest in the world, but its not unbearable. I actually didn't sleep in them for this style. I just let my hair set on them for a few hours and unraveled.

  4. I always like to check out these medleys because i learn a lot. Keep them coming.

  5. Replies
    1. I've seen your gorgeous mane and I totally believe you!

  6. That twist out came out gorgeous, thanks for the link up!

    1. I'm most certainly going to try this style again! Thanks for sharing your tips with us.

  7. Aww! Thanks for the link to my post, KLP! And that tension blowout video came just in time for me. I really need to try that method. :)

    1. Tension blowouts have been really helpful for helping me tame this mane!


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