Monday, January 06, 2014

Weekly Wishes

If you're new to Weekly Wishes, its just a place where I talk about my goals or how I want to rock my world this week. It gives me space for reflection on the previous week and a cozy place to prepare for the days ahead without getting stuck in the fact that Monday's aren't my favorite day by any means. You can join me by posting your aspirations and wishes for the week then linking up with Melyssa @ The Nectar Collective.

Top: Smithsonian National Zoo Park | Left: The Great Christmas Race | Right: My minionette hanging with Elephants
For some reason, I spent a lot of 2013 playing catchup. Whether it was working into the wee hours of the night on reports, running around finishing up errands, or struggling to decompress, I just couldn't find a way to fit all that I wanted to do into one day. My to do lists never got shorter because I'd add and add without subtracting. After weeks and months of re-working my schedule---I finally got it right to end the year. I found myself basking in the glory of a crap load of free time. I indulged in DVR'd trash TV (woot to RHOATL #dontjudgeme), dusted off my recipe box, and spent hours of uninterrupted time with my minions. It. Was. Amazeballs. This my friends, I need more of. I even found time to make some changes to the site---and there are more on the way so don't be alarmed if things look a little wonky. (Collective ooh and uhhs from the audience--Ha-ha!)


I love the way that I feel right now and I really don't want to play catchup like I did last year again. So starting this week, I'm shifting my focus. My world needs less superwoman and more calm goofy grounded me. This week, I'm not going to take on more than I can handle to prove myself to myself, let life pile up on me, or get frustrated by the small stuff. Plus, my superhero hubby's birthday is this week and he deserves a 100% distraction free and fun wife. 

What's your wish this week? Big it big or small--speak it into existence! 
Besitos!     KLP


  1. This is a good resolution. All the best. Btw you have very cute kids. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks Evalyne! Cheers to the lessons learned in 2013!

  2. i totally feel you on the playing catch-up! good luck with your goals this week, its definitely difficult to step back and stop trying to be wonder woman, but its so, so important! hope you have a great week!

    1. Thanks for the luck Victoria! I've taken off my cape this week!

  3. Love your blog--I've been following for a few months now. I just realized you are also in the DMV area. Keep up the good work, but don't over tax yourself.


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