Friday, July 04, 2014

How To Lose Weight On Vacation | Fitness Friday

Without the hassles of  tackling my inbox, scheduling conference calls, or reporting deadlines, I actually am more active on my vacations than I am in "real life." Especially during my last vacation in Florida. To my surprise, I lost over 5 lbs in two weeks! Here's how I did it:

My kids are part fish. They love being in the water and I'm a worry-wart so I'm always within 2 feet of them at all times. There are several pools in our vacation complex--a lazy river, a kiddie pool, a water fall---and my kids wanted to go to them all. To my surprise, when I logged my 3 hour treading water sessions in my Fitbit activities, I'd burned over 1000 calories each session! Trust and believe that I'll be at the pool more often this summer!

My papa bikes every day. He's 75. If he can bike, then there is no reason why I can't! Ha-ha! My workout partner in crime---aka my superhero hubby---and I went on an early morning biking date. We biked about 7 miles in 50 minutes. I could totally feel the burn afterwards!

FitBit Framily Competition: 
I loved my FitBit so much that for Father's Day, we gifted my suegro and mi tio one. Then my suegra wanted one too. My cousin has one as does my bestie. We've added each other as friends and even started FitBit Framily Group. The competition is fierce. I wish that you guys could have seen us walking in circles and dancing---anything to keep our feet moving and tally up more steps than everyone else! I never took my FitBit off! I was even able to log several 15,000 step days and even one 20,000 step day!

Virtual 5K:
Thanks to the Black Girls Run Virtual 5k I was able to participate in a 5k race from Florida! I finished the race in 29 minutes---one of my best race times ever. After I uploaded my  time on the virtual roster, I did a terrible cabbage patch-dougie-two step and threw imaginary confetti!

I also enjoyed the gym at our vacation home and my grandparents gifted me a juicer! *blessings in abundance!* Thanks to all of my physical activities, I lost over 5lbs! Shoot---I need to be on vacation every day!

How to you keep active on vacation?


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  2. Fitness is the theme. Entries completely unrelated to the theme or linked to your homepage will be deleted---we not about that life!
  3. Inspire the Fitness Friday contributor that linked up directly before you with an encouraging comment. We are each here to support each other and build a community of determined women and hair-friends. (Don’t worry, the chica ​who links up after you will do the same; So everyone gets love​!).
  4. Share it! Your blog post must link back to this site so others see. We even made this nifty button which links back to the Fitness Friday page! Just copy and drop the code into your blog post.

Fitness Friday


  1. Swimming is always fun, making you lose weight is an added bonus. Thanks for these tips.

  2. I love swimming too best form of exercise. Great tips KLP!

    1. I'm not a swimming by any stretch of the imagination---but that kind of calorie burn makes me want to be a swimmer! LOL.

  3. I'm so mad about the cabbage patch-dougie combo!!! LMAO!
    These are great tips!

    1. Girrrlll...don't judge my fly dances! LOL *America's Got Talent* Hahaha!


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