Sunday, September 08, 2013

Sunday Healthy Hairology Medley

Here are a few of the weeks best blogs, vlogs, and forum features that we've found about the web.  

DIY| 15 Ways to Wear a Headscarf LoveYourTresses: Having a bad hair day? Still got conditioner in your hair from last night's pre-poo? Did your braid-out/twist-out/bantu set betray you? Have no fear! Fiona is here! With 15 ways to work a headscarf and be on your merry way.

Swim-cap chronicles | afro-textured hair wetting myth debunked KIMBERLYLUXE: When I was in high school, I only washed my hair once a month. Omgosh...I can't believe that I just told y'all that. Shhh! Don't tell no body else! Ay dios, thinking about going more than 7 days between washings grosses me out, today. Read how Kimberly learned that the combo of water+butter+oil made her hair do the happy dance!

Can Baby Blue Live? AroundTheWayCurls: Granted, I don't follow many celebrities, but I feel like I've missed the memo on Baby Blue's hair. What's the big deal? When my daughter was that age, an in-law gave me 4 packages of assorted hair ties and a hair pomade laced with petrol and mineral oil without saying a word. She just smiled and nodded at me. *Shrugs* I never used it.

4 Tips For Minimizing Tangles When Shampooing JustGrowAlready: Shampooing sucks. Too much manipulation, causes too many tangles that can lead to too much breakage; especially in texlaxed hair. You can probably tell by the lack of wash days where I actually use a shampoo that I'm just not that big of a fan. Jeni shares 4 awesome tips to keep shampooing from being so annoying.



  1. Interesting reads KLP! I enjoyes Kimberlyluxe's blog


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