Wednesday, December 11, 2013

[Review] CC's Naturals Happy Hair Tea {Keyda}

CC's Natural Happy Hair Tea

Price: $6.00

Ingredients: Hibiscus, Lavender, Green Tea & Nettle Leaf

  • Hibiscus Flower Prevents hair loss, Enhances growth of hair, Discourages split ends, Thickens hair, and Prevents premature graying of hair
  • Nettle Leaf counteract hair loss, prevent and cure dandruff, reduce oily secretions and improve the quality of dry, lifeless hair and stimulate the scalp
  • Lavender helps stimulate growth and balance oil production
  • Green Tea Stimulates Hair growth, soothes Dandruff and psoriasis, As well as strengthens and conditions
Directions: Add 3 tablespoons or 1 large tea bag to a large Pyrex glass cup or bowl and fill with boiling water and cover. Steep for about 30 minutes. When the tea is warm, apply to scalp and hair and massage thoroughly. When pouring tea onto hair and scalp, hold a bowl at the end of hair strands to catch the tea and reapply. Repeat several times. Leave In or rinse out if desired. If you use a conditioner, use this tea rinse after you condition your hair. And then move on to your final styling regimen...

My Thoughts: CC's Naturals is becoming one of my fave/"go-to" spots for the different teas I use for my hair. This is my second tea mixture from them and I LOVE IT! The price is reasonable for a good product. So, I always do my tea rinse after my conditioner. Honestly, this specific tea does not require a smoothing treatment, I do it out of habit. However, my hair feels soft yet strong with this rinse. The smell is not super strong, so it does not overwhelm you. I was concerned about it being "red" because I know other teas (i.e. black tea) can color your hair naturally over time. However, I have noticed nothing odd with my hair, at least nothing I would not like :P . My hair does have a nice auburn brown color too it, which honestly, I don't quite remember having until after I began using this tea. But it could be the sun from summer and a bunch of other things. Lol.

All in all... I really like this tea rinse and have noticed consistent hair growth and my scalp is sooooooo much healthier (i.e. little to no dandruff).

Have you tried a BOMB.COM tea rinse!?



  1. Ooooh!
    I am totally interested in this!
    I will be buying this for myself for Christmas!

  2. I trust in your endorsements. Great review.

  3. I actually liked their tea's, but since I have so many, I just didnt bother to repurchase. I loved their marshmallow and lavender one.


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