Monday, December 16, 2013

Weekly Wishes

I love Weekly Wishes because it gives me an opportunity to reflect on the days that have passed and plan for the days already without getting stuck in the fact that Monday's aren't my favorite day by any means. Last week, I struggled to get my to-do list crossed off but I had a blast in the process. My kiddos hosted a Thankmas, (Think if Thanksgiving married Christmas and they had a bouncing baby boy) party for their friends. Call it a glorified themed play-date; I call it a chance to have an adult conversation with an excuse to polish off a half-dozen cookies. I also finished my Christmas shopping, finally cleaned/re-organized my product stash, and spent quality time with a good friend that I hadn't seen in months. Tiring yet satisfying. But that wasn't the best part of my week. 

Anytime of the year is a good time to be kind and lend a helping hand; especially during the holiday season. My neighbor is usually Suzy Sunshine, but last week I noticed that she just wasn't her bright self. I stopped on my way home to say hello and check in on her. She told me that her hubby recently deployed, she has 3 very active boys, and she struggles with MS. Not to mention that she just moved into our community and totally feels alone. My heart ached for her. I didn't really know what to say. So, I held her hand and told her that if ever she needed a mommy-time-out that she could gladly bring her minions over. That's what we do for each other around here. The relief and gladness that I saw in her eyes was instantaneous. It was almost like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She broke down in tears and thanked me in between sobs. I don't even know her last name nor does it really doesn't matter. What I do know is that genuine acts of kindness change people. It changes perspective. It makes life's icky situations a little brighter. I really didn't have time to stop and chat. It was cold. I had a report to finish. But I'm ever glad that I did. It reminded me of the beautiful outpour of affection that y'all showed me a few weeks ago. You didn't have to stop and read. You didn't even have to comment. You didn't have to whisper a prayer of peace and hope for me. But you did. And I'm ever grateful for that. #TeamNice rocks!

This week my real life to do list is long so my weekly wish is short: find some fun in the chaos that we call prepping for Christmas. I wish not to lose a finger putting together my kid's new bikes or lose my mind when I realize that I forgot someone on my list. What's your wish this week? Big it big or small--speak it into existence! And if you want more Weekly Wishes, check out Melyssa @ The Nectar Collective.


  1. Wow! You are such a wonderful person. I cannot believe you finished your X-mas shopping so early.

    1. Aww Nerline! You're soo sweet! I shop all year long so that I'm not struggling to find that "it" gift for the person that I love.

  2. That is so kind! I hope she takes you up on the offer and allows herself some downtime - Good luck with getting everything done before Christmas - especially putting the bikes together - Yikes!

    1. She hasn't taken me up on my offer yet, so I intend on extending it again. Just to make sure that she knows that I'm serious. Ha-ha!

      Plus, woot to my super hero hubby that put our kiddos bikes together days before Christmas without asking!

  3. I always enjoy your weekly wishes posts! It's great to see women reaching out to help each other!

    1. We're constantly called out and how badly we treat each other so its time to point out that not everyone is a frienemy! Ha-ha! (idk if I even spelled that right!)

  4. Sometimes the simplest things can change someone's life, great job KLP #Teamnice #seasonforgiving

  5. I really love these posts~they prove that there are still good people in the world. Have a blessed holiday!

    1. There is no better feeling than being a blessing to someone else. Plus, you never know when you'll be in that chica's shoes and want someone to do the same for you!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Tasia! I have the world's cutest minions. But I've heard that I'm a bit bias!


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