Sunday, December 29, 2013

Best of 2013: Sunday Healthy Hairology Medley

Sunday Healthy Hairology Medley is the place where I share my favorite healthy hair related blogs, vlogs, and forum features. But this Sunday is a little different. Its time to say goodbye to 2013, so I thought that I would spotlight the best of HHM from this year:
Britt @ One&20
HOTD: flat twist-out one&20: The definition in Britt's flat twist-out is to die for. Avocado butter? Yep. That's on my wish list.

Simple Fixes for Dry New Growth relaxedthairapy: Dry, crunchy, tightly coiled roots are no joke. Not keeping your roots moisturized is a sure fire way to prevent retention and aid breakage. The two mortal enemies of stretchers. Read Miss Divachyk's 8 tips and tricks to fix dry roots.  

Happy Endings: Can this process help stop your ends from breaking? RelaxedHairHealth: Nadege explores the idea of layering the strength of your protein conditioner as a way to reinforce weak ends. I love a good hair experiment!  

Texturizers 101 tressedforSuccess: I used Just For Me Texture Softener for years and years. But stopped for the exact reasons that MJ did: their marketing. The packaging and branding that the gurus at Just For Me came up with is cute; but it's deceitful to naturals and I can't agree with marketing relaxers to kids. The ingredients are the same!
4 Tips For Minimizing Tangles When Shampooing JustGrowAlready: Shampooing sucks. Too much manipulation, causes too many tangles that can lead to too much breakage; especially in texlaxed hair. You can probably tell by the lack of wash days where I actually use a shampoo that I'm just not that big of a fan. Jeni shares 4 awesome tips to keep shampooing from being so annoying.
Detangling Impossible dailycurlz: Daily is my all time favorite brown skin latina curly superhero and if you've been shedding like crazy for the last few weeks---relax. You're not the only one and it doesn't matter if you're relaxed, natural or somewhere in between. Read up on Daily's take on seasonal shedding and how you can deal.
An Inch for Your Thoughts #16: “Do you ever get tired of doing that?” hairthereeverywhere: Most days, the only me time that I get is "hair-time," so I try to enjoy every moment of it. Do I think that I'll ever get tired of doing my hair? Probably not---9/10 times---I'm totally looking forward to wash days. I love that my hair gets a clean start, I love my hair's versatility, and I love that its allll mine. Yep. ALL MINE! Ellerlashanda relates relaxer day length checks to Christmas---and I totally agree!
NO More Popping Pills to Boost Hair Growth tomesedition: With hair growth supplements flooding the market and thousands of healthy hairlista's starting about it, read about why Tomi takes a stand against them. 
What healthy hair posts made your best of 2013 list? Share with us below! Here's how:

<div align="center"><a href="" title="SavingOurStrands" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="SavingOurStrands" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

  1. Share your run down the week's best healthy hair related blog posts, YouTube clips, and forum features that you've found about the web this week. Be it relaxed&radiant tresses, big fluffy naturalidad curls, or anything else in between. (Entries completely unrelated to the theme or linked to your homepage will be deleted---we not about that life!)
  2. Link back to this site so others see. Looky at this nifty button we made for you!
  3. Muy Importante chicas: Visit the healthy hairology post of the person who linked up directly before you and leave the author an encouraging comment. This is the most important component of this linkup. We are each here to encourage each other and build a community of determined women and hair-friends.
Besitos! KLP & Keyda a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Oh yay! I'm featured! :) Whoop whoop!

  2. Great roundup of posts. I especially love the protein layering post by Nadege x

    1. Gosh! Me too! Fingers crossed that it keeps the breakage that would normally have me running to touch up @ 20 weeks a bay!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Thanks for the love chica!

  4. I am linking up, mama. Sorry yesterday was a little bit crazy.

  5. ooooh, i'm at work now but am excited to watch the "texturizer 101" video.


  6. I'm getting caught up on my reading --- I thank you so much for the feature! You rock.
    Divachyk @Relaxed Thairapy


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