Friday, August 22, 2014

3 Ways I Reduce Stress with Exercise | #FitnessFriday

Although I haven't sprinkled any #FitnessFriday pixie dust on SavingOurStrands in a while, I'm actually been quite active this summer. My life has gotten super stressful over the last few months and the only thing keeping me sane is working out. Thanks to the craziness of my Framily FitBit group, sweaty vacations, and my grandparents gifting me a juicer, I've lost 10 lbs and haven't pulled all my hair out in the process.

My FitBit Framily:
FitBit has a pretty cool social interface that allows you to "friend" other FitBit users and create groups. My friends and family (hence: Framily) set up a group so that we could encourage spy on each other. The users in the group are ranked according to how many steps they take in a 7 day period. The people in my FitBit Framily are freakin maniacs. I put in 20,000 steps a day and its still not enough to get to the top of the leader board most weeks! One of my friends told me that she was going to unfriend everyone in my family because we're addicted and she even accused one of them of cheating (I think that he's cheating too...Ha-ha!) We taunt each other mercilessly---but it's all in good fun. The transparency is dope and the accountability is like nothing else that I've seen before. When you don't hit your goal---everyone knows. When you have a superstar day---everyone knows. When when I'm pressed for time or stressed, I still force myself to get my steps every day!

Active Stay-acations:
My hubby and I celebrated our wedding anniversary last weekend with a mojito march (which is a fancy word for bar hopping), shopping, and dining at some amazing restaurants in Georgetown. In the process we went car-less walked almost 20 miles in 2 days, and biked several miles along the waterfront. It totally made up for all of our indulgences! Next year we're planning to go canoeing, hit up some rugged bike terrain, and go running though the national mall. I never realized how much fun working out together could be!

Sooo...My first juice cleanse was a complete and utter fail. I really didn't think that I'd try it again---until my grandparents gifted me a juicer! For the last two weeks I've been juicing any and every fruit and veggie that I can find! I didn't go for a complete cleanse forgoing solid food, but I did commit to drinking a tall glass of juice at every meal and whenever I felt hungry during the day. I never understood what bloating was (or wasn't) until I started juicing and reducing my carb intake. My tummy looks flatter and my jeans are much more comfortable! I think that it's safe to say that juicing is here to stay!

In other news, #FitnessFriday will be under construction for a few weeks. We've got some ridiculous awesomeness planned to share with you guys to spice it up a bit. So definitely stay tuned for more information. In the meantime, you can still link up with either my blog bestie Ebony from or myself on Fridays. If you're interested in becoming a co-host of #FitnessFriday shoot me a note



  1. Awww! Don't you just love grandparents? My mother-in-law got me the same juicer 9 years ago, and it still works. Your healthy lifestyle is totally a family affair.

    1. 9 Years and its still working?!? That's crazy! My grandparents have had this juicer for at least 5 years and it was just sitting in the garage collecting dust. But boy am I ever glad that they gave it to me! Good juicers aren't cheap!

      Thanks for stopping by chica!

  2. That pic with you and hubby is TOO funny! And I'm so glad you are now enjoying juicing. I've continued to use mine and like the idea of drinking a full glass with each meal. Thanks for that idea!

    1. Ha-ha@ Thanks Ebony!

      I love working out. Like---my body doesn't feel right if I don't put in at least 30-60 minutes of sweat equity everyday. So doing that juice cleanse and still trying to workout was futile. But replacing my snacks with fresh juice and having a glass with each meal makes much more sense!

  3. I need a juicer pronto.It's so awesome your family is onboard.

    1. I didn't think that I would like it as much as I do! If you can find a good juicer on sale. I actually do think that it's worth the investment!

  4. I love green juices! I started drinking 24 oz every morning a month ago and it's been so great!

    1. I can't believe that I'm sooo late to the green juice party! LOL! Thanks for stopping by chica!


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