Monday, August 11, 2014

Healthy Hairology Medley

Welcome back to Healthy Hairology Medley! I'm super excited to share another edition of my favorite healthy hair tips, tricks, and techniques from bloggers and vloggers this week. I love discovering new things to make my hair happy. Here's my best of the best this week:
The Myth of Natural Hair Products thenaturalhaven: Hair product labels are ridiculously confusing. Natural, Green, Unrefined, Organic, Sustainable... They are all simply marketing adjectives to convince you to buy. JC decodes the labels of a few of your favorite products to teach you how to read product labels as they really are versus what the maker wants you to believe. 

Braids and Prints! allthingssammamama: Thus continuing my obsession with the braids that I'll never install in my own hair---Omgosh, look at how ammamama effortlessly dresses up her box braids. Ugh! Why do I have to be such a long-term-protective style dweeb?!?

My Do: A Wrap hariofheritage: Head wraps save my life. No seriously. I wear one at least twice a week. Why? I'm lazy! It's insta-style every single time! AND super easy!


The Hair Mask That Won't Stain Your Pillows intothegloss: I'm totally an advocate of overnight deep conditioning. ODC saves me time and treats my hair to a little extra TLC. But I won't fib---I'm petrified that my conditioner will leak out and destroy my pillowcases---which is why I'm intrigued by The Rene Furterer's Overnight treatment. It supposedly goes on like a conditioner and instantly disappears into your strands. <Drools a little> #dontjudgeme!

Who made your best of the best this week?



  1. Omgosh, the braids and prints?! LOVEEEEEEEEE!

  2. JC is awesome! That's where I go to for my hair science

    1. She has the amazing capability to breakdown even the most complex things! I love her!

  3. Aww thanks so much for the shoutout & love. I really do APPRECIATE it!!! :-)
    And you made my pic all fancy with the watermark!
    Thank you again:-)

    1. You're welcome chica! I'm totally living my box braid dreams vicariously through you!

  4. Great links KLP, especially the braids and prints x

  5. Totally love Jc's posts, she's great.
    The braids and prints are just lovely


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