Saturday, October 19, 2013

Accidental Hair Steaming

Curly Banana Clip Bun
Dear co-washing, I love you but Winter's not in love with you...

I don't know about you, but A little wet hair during the summer's scorching temps is totally welcome. In 50° or less weather---not so much. I love my mid week co-washing sessions, but I want to be extra careful about allocating enough air drying time so I don't die from pneumonia. (I'm not this dramatic in real life---no wait---who am I kidding?). Okay, there's the thing---I actually really enjoy co-washing. I know, I know---SHOCKER. I haven't raved about it here or here or here enough. Especially considering that I wasn't about that multiple washes in one week life months ago. I've found that it actually takes me less time to detangle, my hair's moisture is replenished before it gets completely dried out, and it's absolutely more manageable. Plus, after my not so surprising discovery about my hair's DNA---conditioning and moisturizing is crucial if I want to living in MBL la-la land soon. 

A few weeks ago, I had a run in with accidental steaming. I'm at my suegra's house, I go to turn on the water in the shower of in this tiny washroom, only to realize that a co-wash was in order if I wanted to look presentable--but didn't have enough time to dry. After making silly faces in the mirror for a while, I pulled out my trusty Jessicurl Too Shea! Extra Moisturizing Conditioner and hair butter so that I could get to detangling. Then I stated to notice all of the steam in the washroom AND how awesome it was making my hair was feel. Detangling took less than 10 minutes, my hair never actually got soaking wet, and I made it out the door in record time. Could this be the start of something awesome?

*Shrugs* I won't pretend to know. What I do know is that I'm curious and I'll be sleeping with my warm heat humidifier on for the next few weeks to see how my hair responds to more accidental steaming. 

Do you steam your hair? How does it rate against simply co-washing?


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  1. Sounds interesting! I haven't steamed in a while and need to get back to iit

    1. I'm really curious about steaming but I refuse to spend 100+ for a steamer. To my gym's sauna room I go!

  2. I haven't steamed my hair since I used to go to salons regularly 6 years ago. I really need to get a steamer as I think it'll be really good for my hair x

  3. I don't steam my hair but I do GHE often. I love how my hair feels when I remove the cap.

    1. I've never (intentionally) done the green house effect on my hair. Perhaps that will be my next experiment!

  4. There is no comparison for me. Steaming enhances the deep conditioning experience whereas cowashing is to give the hair a quick, hydration boost when it's low on moisture. I look at the two as being complimentary vs. being alternatives to each other. I steam weekly. Won't ever be without my steamer. The bedroom humidifier does nothing for my hair. I have an actual hair steamer.
    Divachyk @Relaxed Thairapy

    1. Ahhh---very interesting Jay!

      I'm going to try steaming a few times in my gym's sauna. Steamers are a pricey investment. If I don't use the steam room that I have free access to on a regular basis---then the expensive just won't be worth it to my wallet.

  5. Hey girl,
    I nominated you for the Liebster Award. Let me know if you will accept it.

  6. I used to steam my hair on a regular basis (probably too regular) because I experienced moisture overload. Now I just settle for my heating cap which is almost as good in my opinion!

    Courtea @ Finally Growing!

    1. Eek! Moisture overload!

      I use my heating cap faithfully. It's totally the best $25 that I've spent in years.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Not sure about steaming. There are a thousand and one things WE NEED to do to our hair, as it appears Lol. If I ever decide to, it'll be the DIY approach. YOUR HAIR IS LOOOONG!!!

    1. Ha-ha! Onyeka, sometimes it feels that way. Steaming is definitely not on my "required" list. Thanks for stopping by and your kind words warm my heart!

  8. Lol I had the same "I need to alot more time for air-drying" realization my last wash day. It's just too cold now to have a damp head. I'm really interested in steaming. I need to at least try the DIY way and see what my hair thinks.

    1. Agreed. It's definitely not worth the money if its a treatment that you're only willing to commit to a few times a year.

  9. so cool when you discover how something greatly affects your hair!
    I use a Q Redew steamer and I also have a facial steamer which I sometimes use to steam the front of my hair when steaming my face. However i'd love to get a really big steamer i can sit under. I'd probably do it daily lol

    1. I've had a "real" steamer on my wish list for years---but honestly, I doubt that I'll ever invest in one. Whenever I want to steam my hair---I just leave it uncovered in the shower and call it a day! Idk if I'm being lazy or cheap (or a combination of


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