Friday, February 07, 2014

How I Lost Weight and Grew My Hair Longer | Fitness Friday

Getting and staying fit isn't easy. Today, I'm linking up with the gorgeous Ebony of Longing4Length and fiercely fabulous Britt of One&20 to share how lost weight and grew my hair longer. 

Whilst pregnant with my first child, I gained 53 lbs. I remember telling my husband, "I hope that this little girl is 50lbs when she's born." Ha-ha! She wasn't---she was just 8lbs 3oz---and ALL the rest was me. I thought that the weight would just fall off; it didn't. I realized that if I wanted to change, I had to busta move. It took me some time and a lot of trial/error but I found a way to make working out, work with my life. Here's what I did:
Stop with the complaining:
I probably drove my friends mad complaining about how my maternity clothes were too big and my pre-baby clothes were too small. Who was I? Goldilocks? Complaining got me no where and it changed nothing.
Stop with the excuses:
My hubby was deployed soon after our daughter's birth. And being a glorified single mom to a newborn with my other half a gazillion miles away in a war zone was the excuse that rode until the wheels fell off. Yes it was true, but it was still an excuse. Excuses are fun for a little while, but it got me no where and it changed nothing.

Stop with the attitude:
Who you mad at? Take a second to really think about that. I was immensely frustrated about not loosing my baby weight fast enough. I also had no one to be angry with except myself. My attitude towards getting healthier without doing anything to make it happen was delusional and that attitude got me no where and changed nothing.

My life was messy, I didn't have much time, I really didn't know what I was doing, but I knew that I needed to do something. I subscribed to Women's Health magazines to get a little fit-spiration. I started doing their at home 15 minute workouts once a day plus a warm up and stretch. Finally the scale tipped in my favor. I upped my mini workouts to twice a day (once in the morning/once at night) and I'd dropped 10-15 more lbs. Then, I incorporated 20 more minutes of running, a Zumba DVD, or yoga into my daily workouts. One hour a day---in 3 20 minute sessions. My daughter was 9 months when she started to walk and when I was able to comfortably slip into my pre-baby jeans. I lost about 25 lbs in 6 months. No magic diet pill. No starvation. No gym.

Whilst working on my weight loss, I also realized that I needed to find a better way to take care of my hair. I was doing the same complaining, excuse-making, and attituding that I'd done about losing weight. Again, I thought that healthier hair would just "happen" without any effort and, claro que si, it didn't. I had to commit to making a change, putting in the work, and nurturing my hair. A fit body and healthy hair can coincide. I actually find it remarkable that I used to loathe working out for fear of ruining my hair. Now I take pride in pulling it up into a big 'ol messy bun! Plus sweat isn't the enemy, doing nothing is. Strong is totally the new skinny. 

I just love reading about fitness journeys. Share your's with us below! And if you're interested in co-hosting Fitness Friday, shoot me a note



  1. New subscriber here! I'm thin, but so out of shape it's ridiculous. And let's not start on these dry, brittle ends dangling from my head. The past few days I've really been thinking about my health and beginning a simple workout routine at home, but I am a huge procrastinator, however, TODAY is THE DAY! :-) Thanks for sharing your story!

    1. Welcome Britney! There are so many awesome at home workouts floating around on the net. Women's Health Mag was my favorite in the beginning because it was fairly simple. Lately, I've been in love with Fitness Blender's Youtube channel

      Thanks for stopping by! I hope that you enjoy!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Chantelle! It's funny what how what I learned about establishing a workout routine helped me create a hair care routine too!

  3. Oh this is so inspirational, I will write up an exercise post too and link it up here, this is soooo necessary, we need to do this for ourselves!

  4. Thanks for the encouragement and inspiration...I definitely needed it!!!

    1. You're totally welcome Robin! I'm glad that I posted so that I have something to hold myself accountable!

  5. Your right on so many levels and it is great to apply these mottos to real life in general too.

    1. They are most certainly universal! (The best part in my opinion! Ha-ha)

  6. Replies
    1. Woot! I'm glad that you enjoyed! Thanks for stopping by doll!

  7. I am on a fitness journey as well i started slowly by changing my eating habits and incorporating low impact exercise into my daily routine then gradually moved to high impact exercises. It has become part of my daily routine I wanted it to be part of my lifestyle as well because that is the only way I would loose the weight and keep it off and it's turning out well.

    1. My diet needs improvement but I'm so in love with working out that it's definitely a part of my lifestyle.

  8. Extremely Inspiring KLP. Keep up the good work!

  9. Good stuff KLP! Congrats! I know weightloss can be a real task but you did well. I'm a total fitness lover too! So I may just join in on this link-up!

    Abbi of BelowtheWaist

    1. I'd love to have you on board doll! Just link up with us next Friday!

  10. You are such an inspiration, I do not have to lose weight but I am very out of shape. I am forcing exercise into my life, it is not much but 2 days a week is better than nothing for me.

    1. I feel you Candice. After my second kid, it was a breeze getting back into my pre-baby jeans but I didn't toned up the way that I wanted to. Running and spin has really helped.

  11. Hmm ... I may have to chime in on this one! I think fitness and hair journeys go hand-in-hand because we have to learn how to co-manage them, especially if you get nasty sweaty like I do! I have been working out since 2006 (when my dad got me a graduation trip to Hawaii and I knew I needed to tone up), but I said in 2014, it is time for me to take it to the next level! I like to do high intensity interval training (HIIT - think Insanity), weights and now have incorporated yoga.

    Now I will say this ... I don't weigh myself so I won't be posting lbs lost, just some toning photos and maybe some inches lost! :)

    1. I'd love to have you join Lashonda! I probably won't be posting lbs lost either. I keep track of my progress by how well my clothes fit. But when I write about working out makes me want to do it more!

    2. OK! I did one! I gave a bit of backstory and talked about my motivation for taking it to the next level in 2014 with some new workout clothes!

      I will link up my fitness regimen this Friday! :)

    3. Woot!!! I loves it! Thanks for joining mamita!

  12. I loved this post, I actually read it Friday but I was on my tablet and too lazy to comment! But I agree with absolutely everything you shared!

  13. Its amazing how we trick/talk ourselves into believing that we dont have time for exercise. when am at work I drink about 1 gallon of water. I take many trips to the bathroom and each time i go I do squats or skater lunges. when am grocery shopping i do bicep curls with the gallon bottles of juice/milk or water. when am watching tv i may do some sit up or just hold a plank for 60mins. I'm not huffing and puffing away in a gym but I am doing something and I see the results.

    1. Brilliant idea for making so many opportunities to workout during your day! I can't wait to get on your level!


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