Friday, January 23, 2015

Juicing vs Blending? #FitnessFriday

So everybody and they mama---including me!---are on this crazy juice/smoothie bandwagon. I love my smoothies and I love my juice. I was blessed enough to get both as gifts last year and I use them both constantly! If you are anything like me, you probably wondered, which one is better? While debating the health benefits is waaaayyyyy above my pay grade, I can tell you from experience which one required less time, was cheaper, easier to clean, and has a better taste. Then you can decide for yourself if you should juice or blend!

Clean up:
The Jack LeLanne juicer isn't difficult to clean, but it's not super easy or super fast either. You must clean it thoroughly as soon as you use it because the pulp and fibers will get hard making it even harder to clean (trust me---I know from experience). The pusher, the pulp collector, the filter, the blade, the lid, the receptacle plus the juice catching container all have to be washed by hand with warm soapy water. It doesn't take long---but its tedious. Whereas with your Nutribullet, you wash the cup and the blade then you're done.

The Nutribullet definitely wins the clean up race.

Juicing takes time so I'd make my juices in bulk twice a week. I had to make time to prep the veggies, make/store the juices, and then time to clean up. It's not hard, just a bit tedious especially if  you're already pressed for time, like me. The Nutribullet on the other hand, has been much easier for me to handle. I don't have to make my smoothies in bulk because the machine takes less than 2 minutes to clean up. My kids eat fresh veggies and fruits at each meal, so whatever is left over, I throw into the Nutribullet cup, add some spinach or kale, then store it overnight in the fridge. In the morning, I add the blade, I little water or ice, blitz, rinse the blade then take my smoothie to go. I most certainly can't image making the time to juice daily.

Nutribullet for the win.

This only made enough juice for 3 days...
No explanation needed: Quality juicers like the Jack LeLanne Power juicer are crazy expensive. I received mine as a gift but it retails for something like $100 without the accessories. And honestly, I can't really imagine using my juicer without the overflow platform, filter brush, juicer platform and measuring cup. The Nutribullet was $80. Nutribullet +1.

A weeks worth of produce when I was juicing daily, was about $40 (during the summer months). A weeks worth of produce for my smoothies is about $8/week. Why the crazy difference? Well it takes probably 4 or 5 times the amount of produce to make a cup of juice from the juicer than with a smoothie.

Nutribullet hands down wins the price race.

This is tricky. The taste of both your juices and smoothies will certainly depend on how you balance the sweetness of your fruits to the bitterness of your veggies, the freshness of your produce, and of course it's ripeness. I love the taste of juices because they are incredibly light, clean, refreshing and pure on the palate. If you've never had a fresh juice before, then you probably have no clue what I'm trying to say but trust me there is a HUGE difference between the apple juice that you buy in the store and juicing a real apple! With smoothies, you have to be very careful with your proportions of veggie to fruit. Too much dark leafy super fibrous veggie (Think: kale) will leave your smoothie tasting like you pulled it from the lawn mower. I find that my smoothies taste muddled because of all of the extra fiber. The good thing is that smoothies leave you feeling fuller longer.

The best taste award definitely goes to the Jack LeLanne Power Juicer.

The final verdict: During the winter---I'll be all about that green smoothie life. Once the spring and summer hits---I'll throw some fresh juice back into the mix. If you have to choose between one or the other, go for the Nutribullet and I bet that you won't regret it!

Which one would you chose?



  1. GREAT POST!!!! And you are so right, I'm so deep into this green smoothie/juice craze its crazy! lol. I agree with everything you said and honestly the clean up and prep for juicing is more difficult (for me) than you even said with the juicer. But it does taste better and I do think its better for "quick" weight loss if that's what someone wants. I'm pining this to my board - it really sums up my thoughts too!

    1. Actually---This is allll your fault anyway Ebony! I didn't buy into the juicing hype until I talked to you. Now I'm obsessed!

  2. I own a Vitamix and an Omega VRT350 juicer and I love them both for different reasons. I also juice and blend for different reasons too. This is a great post though for someone who is trying to figure all of this out. My first juicer was a Jack Lalane Junior and it cost about $70 at Walmart. It was excellent, made perfect foam-free juice and it was great. I highly recommend it. I bought a Nutri-bullet for family members for Christmas last year and they love it!!

    1. Do you use your Vitamix and VRT350 on a regular basis? The number one question that I asked myself when I was considering buying the juicer (before my grandparents gave me one) was if I would use it often enough to justify it taking up space on the counter.

      Thanks for stopping by chica!

  3. I have both a juicer and a Ninja master prep blender. I always reach for my Ninja. Juicing takes a lot of time as you have to feed the fruits/veggies into juicer. I don't like that I used all the fruits and veggies in my house and get 1 glass of juice, Plus with smoothies I get to enjoy all the fiber the fruits & Veggies have to offer versus throwing those down my drain when i juice. The only time I juice is when I want benefits of kale, broccoli and celery but don't like the texture of them in a smoothie. other than that. Smoothies for the Win!!!!

    1. When I was actively using my juicer, I kept trying to find ways to use the pulp. In soups, stocks, etc. For example, I added what I thought was all green veggie pulp to my chicken soup. WORSE THING EVER. I found apple seeds lurking in it and had to throw out the entire pot. *le sigh* I'mma do better next time!

    2. Don't judge me Sammy! LOL. I'm definitely going to make it my business to do better this spring when I start juicing again.

  4. For me, blending all day. I like that a smoothie can be a meal by itself and fills me up, takes less time and I get all that fibre. Totally agree with you.
    I haven't even bothered to juice myself. I just can't justify the time I would take. I buy fresh juice on occasion though, and yes it's amazingly different from carton juice. So fresh!

    1. I love drinking my smoothies before a meal so that I don't overeat!

  5. I have a Nutri bullet and a Breville juicer. I make a pitcher of juice weekly and make my smoothie with the bullet daily. Both are delicoius but to me serves different purpose.

  6. Definitely the smoothie. Unless you use the leftover from the juice for baking or something, it is a huge waste.
    I also think smoothie is best for the blood sugar because you get the fibre aswell so the sugar goes out in the body more gradually. Experts says it is much better for the body to eat an apple than to drink a glass of apple juice. The only juice I would rather have is carrot or kale juice. Those vitamins are easier for the body to absorb when in juice form. Apples mainly have c vitamins and you get them in basically all fruits and veggies so there is no risk getting to little of that.

    1. I've used the leftover pulp a few times and it's great especially when I plan it out. However, there were more times than not when I'd forget about the pulp and it would just go to waste :( I felt like I had more pulp than I had juice!

  7. Replies
    1. They are both really good for you! Either way you're a winner!

  8. I need to put the Nutri bullet on my list of things. Very detailed comparison. Great job!


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