Wednesday, May 27, 2015

[Hairstyle] My Fluffy Twistout Fro | The #WashDayExperience

Most naturals despise humidity. All that moisture in the air causes frizz, shrinkage, and will turn a beastmode twistout into---well just a beast. I really thought that I was going to have the same issue. I live about 10 minutes away from the beach and as the temperature rises---as does the humidity.

But surprisingly, the twist out in my Flirty Tuck and Roll from last week lasted for 3 days! I ran, I went to cardio kickboxing, I even did a bootcamp session and believe it or each day it got better and better! With my new-found confidence, I went for a full twist out this week. Here's how I got started:

Pre-Shampoo- Herbal Essence Hello Hydration
Clay Mask: Aztec Healing Bentonite Clay (+ Apple Cider Vinegar & Aloe Vera Juice)
Co-wash: OGX Argan Oil of Morocco
Leave ins: Jessicurl Too Shea Conditioner + DIY Hair Butter + Camille Rose Curl Maker

The Results:

I started by finger detangling and slathering my hair in Herbal Essence Hello Hydration. So many people complain that coily kinky hair like mine gets tangled and matted really easily. I guess that I'm the outlier because I actually have less tangles now that my hair is completely unprocessed than I had when it was bone straight relaxed and texlaxed!

I hopped in the shower, rinsed the conditioner out section by section and scrubbed my scalp. Because my hair is so dense at the roots, I have to use the pads of my fingers to scrub my scalp and get all of the product out. I let a cotton t-shit absorb most of the water then I applied my bentonite clay mask. (You can check out my step by step application process here). I covered my hair with a plastic cap and knit beanie then let the treatment sit for about an hour.

As I rinsed the clay, my curls felt crazy smooth, elongated, and springy. The kinks in the front of my hair are beginning to clump very nicely but they are still a lot looser than the back of my hair. My hair felt sooooo moisturized. Like---I don't think y'all understand---my hair was so moisturized that I was afraid that if I deep conditioned then I'd have over-moisturized mushy curls! But I needed to do something to minimize the AWFUL scent of apple cider vinegar from the clay mask. So, I grabbed my bottle of OGX Argan Oil of Morocco (which has a little protein) to quickly co-wash.

Once my hair was slightly damp (I used a cotton tshirt to absorb most of the water), I applied a few drops of Almond Oil. Then I applied my leave-ins (Jessicurl Too Shea Conditioner and my DIY Hair Butter in sections. Next, I installed a bunch of medium sized two strand twists and added a dab of Camille Rose Curl Maker to the ends. My first impression of Curl Maker was fantastic! I picked it up from Target with the intentions of trying another wash and go high puff. I just got anxious to use it. LOL!

My day 1 hair was very well defined--a little piecey but I liked it. I only separate each strand of the twist once so that it doesn't turn completely into an afro. That night I just covered with my bonnet and passed out. Surprisingly in the morning---it looked better! Fluffy....sooooooo friggin fluffy! Y'all know that I love me some fluffy hair! Day 2 was DEFINITELY better than day 1. Day 2 was my FAVOOORRRIIITTTEEE. Then on Day 3, it still looked fantastic but I was over wearing it out. Back into my usual high puff it all went! Does anyone have tips for preserving a twist out? I'm convinced that this was just a fluke! No way that I'll get results like this again!

How was your #washdayexperience?



  1. No wonder there are those random people who just want to feel the fluffiness with you and ask to touch your hair lol! I really like day 3's look, your high puff is always neat and puffy!

    1. LOL! Thanks Becca! I can't keep my hands out of my hair when it's out! It's just soooooo fluffy!

  2. For some reason even for me day 2 hair always looks better especially with DIYs styles. Your fluffy twistout fro (that was a mouthful lol) came out beautifully KLP!

    1. Usually for me, one day hair is the best. Then I'll spend the rest of the week trying to recreate it! I was actually shocked at how beautiful my day 2 hair was. For the future, I know that if I want a specific look for a special occasion, it's best to do my hair a day in advance!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I don't want to write a book in your comments sections, but there are so many points I want to comment on!!
    I never really liked humidity before this year. Now that I'm letting myhair do whatever, it's actually cute when the humidity hits it! Lol.
    I also tried a pre-poo with conditioner and a cowash this past wash day too. I love it. I was a little frustrated with the pre-poo b/c I can really finger detangle my hair after wearing a wash and go, so I had to spray water on first to get it loosened up. It took like 1.5 hrs! I also cowashed my hair in sections, which I felt was a huge help. Overall, I was happy with my results. I'm sure I'll be pre-pooing from here on out. Makes the process much easier.
    Your twist out looks amazing! The second day hair is always the best. It's not as defined as Day 1, but it's not too loose either.
    I have a few masks that I haven't used yet because I wasn't sure how to, but you've shined some light on how I could possible use it in the future! I also have a brand of the OGX shampoo that I love. You hear naturals say that you don't want use products with alcohol in it, but my hair responds really well to the OGX shampoo and conditioner. I guess I need to do my research on why those products aren't good for natural hair.
    Your hair looks good!! Looks like your technique and the products were a go for you!!
    Great post!

    1. If you want to comment on---then GO for it chica!

      I think that the good part about my current regimen is that I'm washing my hair twice a week---before it has a chance to dry out or get tangled probably. I used to pre-shampoo with oil---but conditioner has DEFINITELY been better. It has more slip and allows me to detangle super quickly. Detangling before I do anything else is a MUST for me. Shampooing (when I do it) is easier and apply my clay treatments is easier (clay treatments usually have NO slip at ALL!)

      Lots of people will say this is bad for your hair or that is bad for your hair but you just gotta try it for yourself and make your own conclusions. Ironically 99% of the stuff that I used when I was texlaxed---I use now!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Gorgeous! I can't get enough of that day 2 hair!

    1. Same here Abbi! But I'm a little scared that I won't be able to recreate it EVER again. LOL!

  5. I love your hair KLP. This is gorgeous x

  6. Replies
    1. Me too Lisa! I love it when I can get my puff that fluffy but still curly!

  7. Your springy curly fro is everything, KLP. And I love the way the OGX Argan Oil of Morocco smells. It reminds me of something I used back in the day that I can't remember lol. Glad you had an awesome wash day and three days of beautiful curls! xo

    1. Thanks chica! The scent of it is amazing! I love the thickness and how it literally melts into my hair like butter! What I find the most interesting is that my relaxed hair liked it, my texlaxed/transitioning hair loved it, and my natural hair just can't get enough of it!

  8. Loving the heck out of your curly twist out. You nailed it Hun.


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