Friday, September 26, 2014

What To Eat Before Your Workout | #FitnessFriday

It never fails. It's a hour or so before I'm about to hit the gym or go for a run and my stomach screams FEED ME! When I ignore it---half way through my workout, I feel lightheaded and weak. My form suffers, I loose focus, and a lot of times I'll pig out afterwards which completely defeats the purpose of exercising! When I give in and have a snack---halfway through my workout I get stomach cramps and feel nauseous. I just can't win!

I mentioned my dilemma to the trainer at my gym and he told me that not eating before workouts actually causes more harm to my body. He noted that exercising on an empty stomach can break down muscle tissue instead of building it up. Instead of using your recent meal to fuel your workout, the body will use muscle tissue. Your metabolism will suck plus I noticed that when I'm bothered by my tummy I'm less focused on my form. No bueno. He suggested a couple pre-workout snacks to have at least an hour before working out that won't cause nauseousness when I run, are healthy, and super easy:

Coffee + Greek Yogurt
Because I'm a morning person, I typically don't take my coffee until a few hours before my afternoon workout. Surprisingly, researchers have found that coffee improves circulation, reduces muscle pain, increases memory, and helps you push harder. Be cautioned---don't overdo the caffeine and keep it as healthy as possible. I love my coffee with almond milk and a sprinkle of pumpkin spice mix instead of cream and sugar. Paired with a cup of protein rich Greek yogurt keeps my pre-workout snack light but filling.

Apple + Cheese
Apples are relatively cheap, totally in season right now, and prep-less. Wash it well and eat. I mean, does it get any more simple than that? I love love love my apples with a few mozzarella and cheddar cheese cubes. Cheese is high protein and low carb.

Oatmeal + Fresh Fruit
Oats are super easy for your body to quickly digest and provide fuel for your workout. Plus it has a ton of Fiber, fiber, fiber! Which most women don't get enough to begin with---plus it keeps you feeling full longer. Fresh fruit like blueberries are high in antioxidants and nutrients like vitamin C and E but low in calories. Win. Win.

What's your favorite pre-workout snack?


The new and IMPROVED #FitnessFriday launches in November! We've got some ridiculously awesomeness planned to share with you guys to spice it up a bit. So definitely stay tuned for more information. In  the  meantime, you can still link up with either my blog bestie Ebony  from or myself on Fridays!


  1. Great Tips! I love yogurt, so that would be my preferred choice out of your options.

    1. I'm definitely a big yogurt fan too Tomi! What's your favorite kind?

  2. Even though my fitness routines have been a joke lately, I'm still super excited for the new and improved fitnessfriday lol. Maybe you can give me that inspiration I need to get out there :)

    1. We've got a lot of cool stuff planned for this fall---Fingers crossed that its the motivation that you need! This linkup is totally the motivation that I need to keep me devoted to my wellness.

  3. I am so happy you added coffee to the list. I can't move a leg without my coffee.

    1. At first I was can't be right. Should I really be drinking a cup of coffee just a few hours before I hit the gym. But the science doesn't lie!

      Thanks for linking up and stopping by chica!

  4. coffee, eh?
    who knew but the science behind it makes perfect sense.
    i usually just eat a banana, lol.
    a little potassium and i'm good to go, haha.


    1. I'm allergic to bananas, but they are totally my hubby's go to pre-workout snack.

  5. Replies
    1. You're welcome chica! What's your fave pre-workout snack?

  6. Thanks for sharing. I'm a yoghurt fan too and that's what i will be going for.

    1. It's crazy because I can eat yogurt ANY time of the day for any reason!


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