Monday, September 29, 2014

Healthy Hairology Medley

Hola lindas! Welcome back to Healthy Hairology Medley! I'm super excited to share another collection of my favorite healthy hair tips, tricks, and techniques from bloggers and vloggers from last week. Here goes: 

DIY double-sided head wrap (so cute and easy!)

DIY Double-Sided Head Wrap abeautifulmess: I've been looking for a reason to dust off my sewing machine and my dear LaTonya---you made that happen! Who doesn't love a head wrap with a serious pop of color? Then add the fact that it's 2 sided and knock me over with a feather that its DIY!

Headscarf updo on Marley Twists @sizzellestore

4 styles for your Marley Twists sizzelle: Have I really talked that much about Marley Twists that much this summer and still haven't gotten them? Haha! Well, for those of you who aren't total long-term-protective-style-committment-phobes like me, here are 4 gorgeous ways to WORK those fierce twists!

5 Ways To Keep Your Edges From Thinning latoyajonesblog: Thinning edges are no joke and prevention is definitely better than trying to fix them. Here are healthy hair stylist LaToya approved ways to keep your edges full and thick. 

What were your favorite blog posts from last week?



  1. Great post! I would like to possibly be featured as one of your bloggers for next week's segment!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Victoria Sallie

    1. Hey doll! I just choose the best healthy hair tips and tricks that I've seen during the week. TalkTresses is definitely on my radar chica! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Love the double sided head wrap. I'll have to try that. I love to wrap my hair up. Need to do it more often. My edges are very sensitive.

    1. I'm already on the search for the perfect fabric! Her tutorial is so simple too!


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