Wednesday, November 12, 2014

[Hairstyle] Messy High Bun + Oil Rinsing | WashDayExperience

Love simply does not express how much I enjoyed my hair last week. Steam Rollers are the and my hair felt super strong yet still very moisturized. I wore my hair down for 2 days then in a low bun with a few curls to frame my face. For the first time in weeeekkksss I actually had fun with my hair! Even though I kinda suck at cold air tension drying my hair, I will admit that it was MUCH much easier to manage throughout the week and tossing in a few steam rollers took no time at all! #score! Here are a few ways that I styled my hair afterwards:

With my DIY Jeweled Headwarmer. Omg---My ears were sooo toasty! Plus it was super humid and my head warmer covered up all of the frizz. I love this thing! Want to know how I made it? Pep the tutorial here!

Yes---that is the same headband from my tutorial. Shh...Don't tell nobody! I love a good multifunctional hair accessory. I have A LOT of hair accessories. Probably too many for my own good. But I always end up wearing the same ones! #hairbloggerfail

Because my hair still felt amazing by the time that wash day, instead of the usual deep conditioning etc etc, I decided to just oil rinse. Okay---let me back track. This is what really happened: I'd planned on doing a real wash day, started applying coconut oil to my hair yada yada, then I realized that I had somewhere to be in 30 minutes. Yep. Hair slicked down with oil and somewhere to go. Total fail. So I jumped in the shower, rinsed thoroughly, then jumped out. To my surprise, my hair loved it! Here are the details:

  1. Oil rinse- As I detangled my hair, I applied extra virgin coconut oil from root to tip in 6 sections. I let sit for about 5 minutes then rinsed with warm water.
  2. Leave ins- I t-shirt dried my hair for 5 minutes, blotting each section, then applied Jessicurl Too Shea! Conditioner and just a dab more coconut oil. I quickly cool air tensioned dried the sections and pulled my hair into a high bun to dry completely.

The Results:
Oil Rinsing is pure genius! No doubt that I'll probably do it again for sure. The slickness of the extra virgin coconut oil provided slip to detangle and helped me remove all of the shed hair that I had. I love how my hair felt refreshed without my scalp or my hair feeling dry.

I'll probably wash my hair for real in a day or two. I don't really think that oil rinsing is a substitute for washing, but that it allows you to extend the days between washing. Because I gave the oil a good rinsing with water, my hair didn't feel crazy oily after drying. It actually felt even more moisturized and fluffy.

Now take a look at this cute-who knew that I could make something so easy look so intricate-bun! Once I figure out how exactly I did this---I'll totally do a tutorial. This #washdayexperience was filled with lots of firsts, oops, and accidents but no tears. woot!

Did you have any happy surprises during your #washdayexperience? We'd love it if you shared!


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  1. I think we come up with our best hairstyles when we're not really paying attention and have somewhere to go, nonetheless it looks great can't wait for the turtorial. Do you remember where you got your headband from?

    1. Totally agreed Harlem! All I can remember is that I did a bunch of twists. Just my luck that I never get it exactly like that again! LOL. I believe that the golden leaf headband is from World Market. But don't quote me on it. My memory stinks!

  2. Your hair looks so fluffy, love it. Oil rinsing has been on my "to try" list but I've been too scared to try it. I'll muster up the nerve one of these days.

    1. WAS so fluffy. I think that the oil sort of prevented my roots from completely reverting giving me this fluffy stretched look. I definitely can dig it!

  3. I need to go back to using coconut oil. It's been good to your hair. Happy Veteran's Day to your super Hero. We are grateful!

  4. I have never tried oil rinsing sounds interesting. Love the hair band you have the cutest hair accessories KLP

    1. My hair accessories make me feel like I'm not wearing the same hair style daily...even though...usually...I am. LOL. *shame face*

  5. Your bun is scrumptious KLP, I really need to do an oil rinse again. Did it once and I loved it

    1. So...You had me sleeping on oil rinsing Sandra?!? Ha-ha! Did you find that your hair felt more moisturized afterwards?

  6. I did oil rinsing once and my hair was too weighed down. I promise to give it another try. Love the high bun

    1. I definitely understand how that could happen. Do you have fine strands? What kind of oil did you use? I've seen ladies using castor oil for a rinse. With the viscosity of castor oil it would take me weeks to get all of the oil out! Thanks for stopping by doll!

  7. You hasd me thinking about steam rollers, so I ordered some from Amazon; hopefully I like using them.

    1. They are soooo super easy to use! I wish that I had known about them years ago---ya know---when I was using a curling iron EVERY day to give my straight hair some volume. Smh. LOL!

  8. So gorgeous. I need to get myself some steam rollers! x

    1. I really don't know how I slept on steam rollers for so long! I love that my hair doesn't have to be bone straight to get a beautifully bouncy and long lasting curl!

  9. oooh, love your updo with the headband.
    i'd never heard of steam rollers, i'll definitely look them up now!


    1. I need to do a full post about steam rollers, the kids of curls that you can create, and how EASY they are to install. If you're a Sally's Beauty Club member, wait until you get a 25% off coupon then pick up these suckers for around $25. Its well worth the investment.

  10. I just bought some more coconut oil it what seems like forever! Can't wait to get back into using it more. Love your hair accessories!

    1. EVCO is my ALLL time favorite oil. I use it on EVERYTHING. I put it on my face before I go running outside in the winter. I use it on my skin. I actually use it to bake with. Best oil ever! Which brand do you use?


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