Thursday, June 05, 2014

My #WashDayExperience Unfiltered

Why I love the #WashDayExperience

I love hosting The Wash Day Experience because I just love reading about how you pampered your hair and what you do to make it healthier, happier, and longer. Growing up my mother was a tom-boy and I don't have any sisters, so I never learned any of the secret tips and tricks to making your hair behave as a kid. Thanks to this community of happy healthy hair lovers, I'm totally making up for lost time! I adore the positivity that freely flows in our weekly shindig. It makes me smile that the #washdayexperience  simply celebrates healthy hair; Regardless of how you choose to wear it. Bone straight relaxers are welcome. Big fluffy Afros are welcome. Whether you just started your journey yesterday---or you've been moisturizing and sealing for 20 years---Our arms are simply open wide.

The State Of My Hair
So what's going on with my hair? Here's your big exclusive inside scoop: Nothing. Nothing new or exciting to report at all. Ha-ha! My last relaxer touch up was in July 2013 (remember that fiasco? *shudders*). Which puts me around 11 months post. *throws a ton of confetti* Detangling just plain sucks---like it really really sucks, but banding really really helps. Keeping my roots stretched is the ONLY way to to live. No, no, please note my serious face! THE ONLY WAY TO LIVE! I regret it every time that I don't make enough time to properly detangle. Again---which is nothing new.

From what I can see, my ends look decent, which I can only attribute to protein layering, but I won't really be able to tell until I straighten. I know that I promised to straighten soon---but #realtalk that was a bold face lie---I need several weeks to hype myself up for the 2-3 hour straightening session and I'm totally not hype enough yet. If you would have told me before my heat detox that I would be able to go 3-4 months comfortably not straightening my hair, I would have laughed hysterically in your face. I didn't even straighten my hair for our family pictures in April. Which is kinda a big deal. Considering that I'd plan my relaxer touch ups around picture day so that I swang my straight hair all over the place in the past. Maybe I'll straighten next month to mark my hair's one year post relaxer milestone. Maybe. Speaking of...

Are you going to relax again?
The most asked question over the last few months! So, many of my relaxed hair heroes have announced that they are transitioning. Which is pretty awesome!! But Am I the next to announce that I'm going chemical free? Nope. Am I going to relax again? Not anytime soon. Well, what the heck am I doing? Nothing really. I'm kinda at a point in my healthy hair journey where my only goal is to celebrate my hair. If I choose relax---I'll celebrate. If I transition, I'll celebrate. So...the most important question is: who's gonna clean up all this confetti!?! Ha-ha!

There you have it. My #WashDayExperience completely unfiltered and un-spell checked. Thanks so much to the wonder women that have linked up in the past. And if you haven't joined the party, I'd love to have you share. The concept is really simple: wash your hair, dish about it via blog post, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest, then connect with Jeni, Keyda, and myself every Wednesday. Last but not least, leave the lovely lady that linked up before you a positively radiant note. 



  1. Thanks for hosting the link up KLP! I also enjoy reading the posts, tips, tricks of the other bloggers. Growing up no wisdom on how to properly care for my hair was imparted so I've learned more in the past 12 months of reading blogs than I did growing up.

    You're hair looks awesome! I can't even tell it's been about 11 months since your last touch up.

    Leah GRH

    1. No---Thank you for contributing!

      I'm letting it set in that I'm almost 1 year post. *mind blew*

  2. Great post KLP. Congrats on making it to 11 months post. I've never made it past 6 months before and even then it was a struggle! x

    1. Oh trust me, I know that feeling. This is my first time past 6-7 months since I accidentally transitioned to natural when I was in college!

  3. 11 months?! When I grow up I want to be just like you lol :)

    1. LOL! You're so silly Candice! It's still hard to believe that I'm 11 months post!

  4. 11 months and it doesn't even look like it! I really hope mine would look like this when I get there. Thanks for hosting the wash day experience

    1. Trust me when I say that my hair does not look this wonderful when I get out of the shower. LOL. Gentle/Patient/Slow detangling plus banding is makes life so much easier! Thanks for sharing your #washdayexperience chica!

  5. You make it look so easy, congrats on reaching 11 months post. Whatever decision you make, I'll be following your progress still.

    1. Thanks for your support Tomi! You are an amazing cheerleader!

  6. I love this community too. Sorry, but I missed the post about the FIASCO. I was happy to read it again. You do what you want with that hair, girl. As long as you are comfortable. I remember there was a time when two- textured hair was a problem. I used to relax my hair every 6 to 8 weeks because I wanted my hair to lay flat. "My hair was laid, honey" Wow! We can all agree that knowledge is power. And I am learning a lot from you, guys.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Nerline! Thanks for being awesome!

  7. Somehow I missed you were 11 months post. Where have I been. CONGRATS!!! Your hair looks great so you're doing everything right.
    Divachyk | Relaxed Thairapy

    1. Thanks Diva! Fingers crossed that this extended stretch continues to go well!


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