Tuesday, January 05, 2016

[Tutorial] How To Do A Heatless Blowout on Natural Hair

Here's a close up look at how I achieved my Heatless Blowout from my last #WashDayExperience along with step by step instructions on how you can do it too!
  1. Start with stretched hair. (I stretched my hair using Curlformers a few days before)
  2. Divide your hair into 8 sections. I made 4 sections in the back and two on each side of my hair. Secure each section with a hair clip.
  3. Beginning with a small section of hair from the back, very very lightly mist the section with water. You'll want a good misting bottle for this. I use this cool gem from the Vitamin Shoppe. One spritz could do the trick.
  4. Next, start to gently finger detangle from our ends up to the roots.  
  5. Apply a little oil or hair butter to seal your ends. I'm using Camille Rose Whipped Butter in the pictorial. 
  6. Then to achieve a more stretched look, further detanlge gently using a modified Denman Brush.
  7. Secure the detanlged section with a hair clip then move on to the next section. 
  8. Repeat until all of your hair is "blown out"
  9. (Optional) Fluff hair using a wide tooth comb

Have you ever done a heatless blowout? What are your secrets to smooth stretched hair?


  1. KLP your hair has good manners, and your hair has a great teacher. I would like to try that my only problem is my hair reverts back quicker than thunder, lol.

    NKM @ https://lauralivll.wordpress.com

    1. LOL! My hair tried to revert but I refused! Ha-ha! That's when it went up into a high bun!

  2. Heatless blowout?? Wow, something different I should try! Lord knows my hair needs a break! Thanks for the awesome tips!


  3. Girl, I call it stretching.But I love your name better.

  4. I did wonder how you could possibly achieve a heatless blow out hehhe, great approach! Your hair looks super fluffy!

    1. Thanks Yvonne! I've only blown out my hair once (with heat) and I will admit that when I did use heat, my hair was smoother but I like the heatless blowout a little better. I'm hoping that it's kinder to my ends!

  5. Interesting approach and your hair looks super fluffy.


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