Wednesday, January 13, 2016

[Tutorial] Fishtail Udpo for Natural Hair | The #WashDayExperience

My Caruso Steam Roller curls from last week were EVERYTHING. Y'all just don't understand how good it felt to bounce around with big fluffy hair.

But like all good things---those curls had to come to an end. Plus, my scalp was not happy about not washing for 2 weeks. I whipped out my staple products and went to work.

Here's what I used on this #WashDayExperience:

Pre-shampoo- DIY Moisturizing Mist + Herbal Essences Hello Hydration Conditioner
Shampoo- Jessicurl Cleansing Cream
Deep Condition- Jessicurl Deep Treatment Conditioner
Leave-Ins- Almond Oil + Jessicurl Too Shea Conditioner + Camille Rose Whipped Butter

My favorite part of the #WashDayExperience is picking up tips from other bloggers. I knew that my stretched hair was craving moisture so I'm glad that I stumbled upon this little tip from Jen of JGA (you can check it out here). I started by spraying a little of my DIY Moisturizing Mist to detangle my hair in sections then I applied one of my favorite conditioners: Herbal Essences Hello Hydration Conditioner. I let it sit for about an hour. My curls felt AH-MAZING. Shout-out to Jen for the tip!

Next, I rinsed in the shower, shampooed using Jessicurl Cleansing Cream and t-shirt dried for about 5 minutes. This shampoo cleans the gunk (sweat + dirt + product build up) without robbing my curls of moisture. I deep conditioned with Jessicurl Deep Treatment Conditioner overnight. (Here's why I deep condition overnight). Rinsed the conditioner in the morning, then applied my leave-ins as I installed my curlformers.

I love these curls, but I'm still all about that protective styling life so I whipped my hair into this Fishtail updo. Here's how I did it:
  1. Begin with stretched hair (I stretched my hair using Curlformers.Then divide your hair in half. Secure the left side.
  2. Grab a small section of hair on the left side of the part and divide it into two sections.
  3. Use a small piece from the front section, cross it over the top, and add it into the back section.
  4. Take a small piece from the back section over the top and add it into the front section.
  5. Repeat steps 4-5 around the perimeter of your head until the braid reaches your middle part and then continue braiding in a regular style fishtail braid to the end of your hair. (You may need a hair tie here. I didn't)
  6. Fluff your braids by plucking apart the sides for a fuller look and then repeat steps 2-5 on the right side.
  7. Cross and pin the ends of each braid to the opposite side of your head
Optional: Polish the look by smoothing your edges with little edge control. (My favorite is Chi Twisted Fabric)

Thanks to my old faithful products my hair was crazy moisturized and uber smooth. May Jessicurl NEVER go out of business!

How did you style your hair this week? Which staple products did you use? Share your #washdayexperience too!


  1. I love fishtail braids but I have to say this looks way to complicated for me LOL. I can get the loose part of the hair but I would probably wind up knotting my hair up while trying to get it right on the part of the hair connected to the scalp.

    so i'm sitting in this hospital with my son (since sun...kidney stones). bored to tears so I'll be reading and commenting on a bunch of posts!

    hopefully we'll go home tomorrow

    1. Oh no! I just sent some prayers up for your little one. Fingers crossed that he feels better (and gets to leave the hospital) soon.

      Thanks for stopping by chica!

    2. We r going home today but he has to have another surgery

    3. Aww..that stinks. My prayers for a successful surgery and speedily recovery for your little guy chica.

  2. Wow! I always love the way fish braids look, but for the life of me I can never get it right. Will sit with your instructions and try it again!! Yeah to protective styling!

    1. Fingers crossed that this tutorial helps. But...if it doesn't...

      *whispers* I'm working on another tutorial for a "faux" fishtail udpo---no braiding required! Keep your eye out for it in the next few weeks!

      shh...don't tell anyone! LOL

  3. I love your fishtail updo! I've yet to master the fishtail. I'll have to work on that some more.

    A Relaxed Gal |

    1. Fishtail braids look a lot harder than they really are I promise! Because once you get the rhythm---your braid will be FAB-TASTIC!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Is there a braiding technique that you don't know how to do! This looks very difficult KLP, I love the result!

    1. LOl! You're a mess Becca! I'm always looking for new ways to braid my hair for updos! So if you have suggestions, let me know!

  5. I tell you, I'll have knots in my hair. You're too good. I only ever fishtailed once- it was after watching videos,I practiced on straight synthetic hair.

    Naija girl next door

    1. If I hadn't used curlformers to stretch my hair prior to styling---I would have had knots too! The brilliance of using curlformers first, is that my hair was already sectioned off at the roots so I didn't have any breakage either! #winning

      Thanks for stopping by chica!

  6. I'm just ok at doing a fishtail on straight hair so I can't imagine trying it on natural but your results look amazing!

    1. It really wasn't difficult at all! Thanks mostly to my hair already being in sections from the curlformers, of course...LOL

  7. Loooooove this one. Our textures are so similar.


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