Wednesday, August 26, 2015

[Tutorial] Basic Bun for Natural Hair | The #WashDayExperience

I had a rude awakening this week: I haven't been sticking to the basics that I've learned actually work for me. I'm not sure if it was my sheer laziness or if it was all of my wash-and-go experimentation but my ends surely suffered from it. I only used two products in today's (not-so) #washdayexperience:

Extreme Deep Condition: Jessicurl Deep Treatment + Almond Oil

I started by trimming my ends. It's weird because I actually have no problem with letting go of my frayed ends anymore. I'm completely and totally committed to having the healthiest ends possible so when they are desperate for a trim---I just whip out the scissors and go for it.You can see pictures of my trim here: My Hair Lately

First, I misted my dry hair with a little water, added a little Jessicurl Deep Treatment and detangled in sections. I stretched out each section and sipped just above where ever my curls felt dry and rough. In some places, like my bangs, I cut about 1/2". In other places, like my nape, I only had to snip 1/8-1/4". This totally reminded me about how delicate the bang/crown area of my hair is. When my hair was texlaxed, one of my goals was to grow my bangs to the same length as my hemline. It took patience, loads of protective styling, and keeping my bang area super hydrated to accomplish that goal

Related: How To Grow Out Your Bangs

Now, I'm probably more scissor happy than most. So, to keep myself in check, I'm recommitting myself to overnight deep conditioning. I love a good co-wash but my thirsty hair needs more. After I trimmed my ends, I sealed the conditioner with a little almond oil, put my hair in jumbo two strand twists, covered with a plastic cap and scarf then sat under my heat cap for about an hour. I stopped using my heating cap for several months because...well...Let me be 100 with y'all---I just didn't feel like it. Ugh...back to basics I go...

Related: Why I Deep Condition Overnight

When I woke up in the morning, believe it or not, but all of the conditioner was gone. It had literally disappeared completely into my hair, leaving my hair feeling uber nourished soft and fluffy. I could run my hands through my hair without getting caught on my frayed ends AND without little bits of broken hairs on the sink.  So, I didn't wash it out. I just pulled all of the twists to the top of my head then pulled my hair into my faithful fluffy top knot. This style is just as easy as wearing a puff but it protects my ends--something that my puff will never be able to do.

Related: My Fluffy Top Knot Hair Tutorial

How was your #washdayexperience? Anyone else suffering from lazy-summer-hair shenanigans? Feel free to share the dets with the rest of our hair obsessed tribe below!

Don't miss your chance to win a collection of my FAVORITE hair products from Jessicurl!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. That top knot is super cute! If only I had the fluffiness to pull it off :-( Just curious...did your Almond Oil come with that pump?

    1. Hey Danielle!

      No---my almond oil didn't come with the pump. It's an old pump from an Herbal Essences conditioner.

      Thanks for stopping by chica!

  2. Oh, it looks so good! I suck so bad at styling, it's ridiculous. But your game is strong, sister <3

  3. As usual your buns do not disappoint KLP! Is it same technique as the top knot bun?

    1. Hey Becca!

      Yep---I followed the same exact steps---except that I did more sections since my bangs are a little shorter now.

  4. Very lovely, KLP! Basics always work. :) Good luck with your deep conditioning.

    1. Thanks doll! I obviously needed this to get me back on track!

  5. I really really like that curly look you're sporting- it's perfect.

    1. Thanks Sandra! I always have the BEST accidental twist outs! LOL.

  6. Dicas maravilhosa

    1. Obrigado Garota! Sinto muito meu português não é bom!


  7. Ha you never washed your hair in the end?

    1. Nope! I co-washed about 2 days later and my hair feels 100x more moisturized! I guess that deep treatment was EXACTLY what my hair needed!

  8. That bun is super cute! You know Jessicurl is my jam!


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