Monday, August 19, 2013

Weekly Wishes

last weekend in Atlantic City
I invite you to make a positive wish, each week to combat a sucky part of life in an attempt to sprinkle the world with more positive pixie dust.
My wish this week is devoted to my husband. On this day, 5 years ago, I made scared vows to God for my husband. I promised to love and to cherish, to honor and obey, and do this all whether in sickness or in health. My husband means the world to me---but that doesn't mean that keeping these vows have been a piece of cake. In 5 years we've struggled through deployments amidst war with 2 little ones under 4 surviving countless sleepless nights while living in a few different states. Life in general has been messy and our marriage has been in a pressure cooker, to say the least. Even with all of the odds stacked against us---I can honestly report that I still like him. He'll never laugh at my corny jokes. I still like him. He'll never understand how I was an honor student geek with assorted piercings, a handful of tattoos and an unhealthy love for Shakespeare. But, I still like him. He'll never get why I'm totally obsessed my hair. Yet, I still like him; A lot. We may have been knocked down and kicked around by life---but here we are: still together--not because of anything special or breakthrough that we are doing--only because of God's Grace. I won't pretend to understand it all, however today, I stand ever so grateful for him. My wish this week (and forever) is that DJ and I continue to choose to walk together hand in hand opting for faith over fear and trust over doubt---because we'll never understand it all.

What's your wish this week? Big it big or small--speak it into existence!

Want more Weekly Wishes? Check out



  1. This is such a sweet post! I pray that God will continue to bless you and your family.

  2. Haha...I completely understand the "still like him" part! Wooo does that take some effort sometimes!!! haha This is a great post, and Happy Anniversary!!! I, too, love Shakespeare!!! Can't wait to read more...I'm now following you!

    1. Thanks Steph!

      Sometimes, I look back and wonder how we made it this far, still liking each other, and wanting to do it all over again the next day---Nothing but God.

  3. OMG!
    So cute!!! Happy Anniversary :)
    Britt @ One&20

  4. I absolutely love this post! Congrats on making it so far even through so many life obstacles especially the biggest obstacle, deployment! I only wish to have a strong, loving, marriage like this with my boyfriend some day in the future! Keep this cute love story going!

    1. Thanks Alyssa! "Deployments are fun," said no one, ever. You just have to be prepared to be unprepared when it comes down to military life. Once you have that down---everything else is smooth sailing! Ha-ha! Sending love and peace your way chica!

  5. Congratulations!
    Corinthians 13 is great for the lows. Refer to it when you feel like you want to pull his hair:-) I am sure he is a great guy, because behind every man stands a great woman. And you, my friend, are great!
    I wish you guys the best.

    1. Thanks Nerline! He is pretty great! We stand on Cor. 13!

  6. Awwwwwwwwww such a sweet post. May God continue to bless and guide your family. Happy Anniversary!!!!!

    1. Thanks Tomi! Same to you! I hesitated to share this post, but I'm so glad that I did! The support is awesome!

  7. Awwwww beautiful post. Happy anniversary to you two and may you have many many many more with God on your side nothing is impossible. I wish you nothing but the best be blessed always:)

  8. this is so beautiful and lovely.
    may god bless you and your family for another five years and many more.

  9. OMG this is a beautiful post. Thank you so much for posting this. What an example! I wish your family nothing but God's divine favor and love!

    1. Favor doesn't even cover it! Thanks for the love Sunshyne!

  10. This is such a lovely post! Happy Anniversary :)

  11. Happy Anniversary!!! Beautiful post!!!

  12. Happy anniversary! That was a beautiful post :)

    1. It feels good to mean every word of it and then to have those words so well received! Thanks Jenna!

  13. Such an amazing post! What a great mission : a weekly wishlist! Your husband is a lucky man to have a woman like you on his side! Not every woman has this mindset and it's great that you're sharing such a positive example of what it means to be a wife!


    1. *Holding back the tears* You've got me all emo Kimberly!

      I'm lucky that I have a husband that makes me want to do and be better. God is the best matchmaker!

  14. This is so awesome. I can relate to you on the piercings/tattoos geek lol

    1. Folks from HS see me now and probably think---but she was sooo weird back then. Ha-ha! Thanks for commenting chica

  15. Such a lovely post, smiled as I read then looked over at my boy and smiled even more! Belated congratulations for your anniversary and here's praying for many more years to come. xx

  16. Aww I love this heartfelt post KLP! It made me smile just reading it! I pray God continues to bless your union, through all the ups and the downs.

    Happy belated Anniversary!!

    1. Thanks Melanie! Ups and downs keep it interesting! Boring challenge-less lives are overrated!

  17. this is super sweet and a great post to remind you of your love! :) thanks for sharing!


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