Wednesday, August 05, 2015

My Natural Hair Regimen | The #WashDayExperience

I wish that I could say that my regimen has changed drastically since I big chopped, hasn't. I've added in a few new products and simplified the routine a little but the basics are still the same:

To get started, I deep condition or co-wash my hair twice a week. I know that seems excessive for some. And real talk...there are weeks when I just don't have enough energy to deal with my hair. But I know for a fact that my hair thrives when I wash frequently. I have less tangles, my hair doesn't have the opportunity to get dry, and I actually don't have to moisturize or seal daily (which has been something that I've struggled to remember for years!) I rarely use combs---I'm not sure when I stopped but my hair isn't missing it! Finger detangling is the And I always detangle using oil or conditioner before I hop into the shower.


I co-wash when my scalp isn't bothersome but my hair needs moisture. Plus, I exercise 4-5+ days a week and I sweat like a disgusting pig. Need I continue?!? LOL! My co-washing routine goes a little like this:

Detangle put in six sections (2 in the front, 4 in the back)
Apply Conditioner + oil
Finger Detangle in the shower and rinse thoroughly
Leave Ins Apply oil + Leave in + seal with butter

A legit wash day for me includes deep conditioning overnight. I deep condition overnight to save time and because my hair loves, loves, loves moisture. Whenever I talk about how much I love deep conditioning overnight, I have to include a disclaimer: This technique, like everything else in the healthy hair care arena, won't work for everyone. It's your hair and your life, figure out what works the best for you. Just promise me that you'll try it before you knock it?


Here's what a full #washdayexperience looks like for me:

Detangle and put in six sections (2 in the front, 4 in the back)
Pre-shampoo Treatment
Shampoo to prevent product build up as needed
Clay Rinse/Mask to define and rejuvenate my curls as needed
Deep Condition 30 minutes to overnight with or without heat
Finger Detangle in the shower and rinse thoroughly
Leave Ins Apply oil + Creamy Leave in + seal with butter

While, I'm not seeing a ton of breakage, I still like to use a protein conditioner as a pre-shampoo treatment once or twice a month to fortify my ends and prevent damage. I only shampoo when my scalp is gross and I'll use a clay rinse or mask whenever I notice that my curls need a pick me up. Right now, I'm loving stretched hair. So to style, I usually use faux banding to stretch my hair then I set my hair in a twist out, perm rods or bantu knots.

Now, to the fun stuff....


Believe it or not, my favorite product lines haven't changed since I stopped relaxing my hair. I love everything Jessicurl and I can't function without my Matrix Hydrasource. If I had to choose between the two lines, I'd probably go for Jessicurl because they offer a complete package for me, from shampoo to leave ins.

Matrix Biolage Hydrasource Shampoo
Jessicurl Cleansing Cream

Clay Rinse:
Bentonite Clay Aztec Healing Clay 3oz
Aloe Vera Juice 4oz
Apple Cider Vinegar 1oz

Clay Mask:

Same ingredients, more clay

Deep Conditioners:
Jessicurl Deep Treatment
Matrix Biolage Hydrasource

Strengthening Treatments (Protein Conditioners)

Joico K-PAK RevitaLuxe

Co-Washing Conditioners
Aussie 3 Minute Deep
Herbal Essence Hello Hydration
Tresemme Naturals Conditioner
Trader Joe's Tingle Conditioner
OGX Argan Oil Conditioner

Leave Ins
Jessicurl Too Shea Extra Moisturizing Conditioner

DIY Hair Butter
Natural Oils (Almond, Avocado, EVCO, EVOO, Jojoba, Grapeseed)

Whew...That was a mouth-full. But I'm sure that I forgot something! Let me know if you have questions! Happy #WashDayExperience Wednesday chicas!



  1. I think it's a good thing your routine hasn't changed! Obviously means you've always been doing something right. I really think simple is the way to go - we're all busybusy and hair shouldn't be a chore.

    1. Aww...thanks chica! I like to think that focusing on care and consistency will benefit all hair regardless of the way that you choose to style it, flip it up, rub it down, cut, color, or chemical process!

  2. I love your regimen KLP! So simple and straight to the point!

  3. I need to get me some Jessicurl products. I have to change my hair regimen and products. I wash 2 times a week too.

    1. Jessicurl has been AMAZING for my hair! The Too Shea Leave in my fave!

      Thanks for stopping by chica!

  4. True, consistency is key. You make hair care look effortless KLP. I'm not as consistent as I would like yet but I think it's because I'm on a product journey- finding all-natural products that also work great.

    1. It's definitely not effortless. But, believe, it or not, since I chopped, my hair life has gotten easier. Detangling is easier, washing is easier. This entire process is just a lot easier. If you're looking for amazing all natural products give Jessicurl a try! I put everything on that Too Shea's AMAZING!


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