Tuesday, February 16, 2016

5 Reasons Why Being A Product Junkie Is Ruining Your Hair

It took me a year to purge my product stash. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it? I'm quite embarrassed that it took me all of 2015 to use up my favorite products and throw away all the stuff that either didn't suit my regimen or my lifestyle. In the process, I realized that somewhere in my hair journey, I started to believe that the more products I possessed and used, the faster that my hair would become healthier, longer, stronger...

Boy was I wrong.

Owning dozens of conditioners doesn't mean that your hair will be moisturized. Using dozens of conditioners at once doesn't mean that your hair will be moisturized either. I've come to see that having an overflowing product stash was ruining my hair. Here's why:

I N S T A N T    G R A T I F I C A T I O N

Regardless of whether you're looking to repair or prevent damage to your hair; it's a process and nothing will work overnight. We tend to throw everything that we can think of (or that pops up in our Google self-diagnosis) at the issue. Most of the "cures" that we find aren't viable because they are not sustainable. Solve one issue at a time, using one product at a time. Seeking instantaneous gratification can ruin your hair.


Too much of a good thing can be bad; very very bad. Using too much shampoo can strip your hair. Using too much conditioner can over-moisturize your hair. Using too many strengthening products can make your hair feel dry and brittle. Less is more and moderation is the key. Overkill can ruin your hair.

I N C O N S I S T E N T     R E S U L T S

Our desire for variety and experimentation inevitably leads to inconsistent results. If our goal is to keep our hair balanced, then results that yield hair that's too dry, moisturized, or brittle on a constant basis stunts progress and ruins your hair.


Shampoos aren't supposed to last for years and years. Either are conditioners. Especially items made with more natural ingredients and less preservatives. When you're constantly buying more than you use, something is bound not to be used. Although using an expired shampoo or conditioner probably won't cause too much harm---why risk ruining your hair?

D E C I S I O N    F A T I G U E

When I had a ridiculous amount of products, I would literally stare at my stash forever trying to figure out what I wanted to use on wash day. If I use this pre-shampoo then I'll have to use this conditioner. But if I don't use this leave-in then I can't use this shampoo. Then when I used the wrong product combos, my hair suffered. In my minimalist stash---everyone gets along and I don't have to stress out or waste time trying to make simple choices.

Minimizing my product stash was long and tedious but totally worth it. I feel that my regimen is simpler---which encourages me to stick to it. My regimen is less stressful, more productive, less expensive and most of all---I that I can achieve consistent results with less "work."

I feel at peace.

What's your take? PJ for life or are you attempting the minimalist life?




  1. I am attempting the minimalist life too KLP! I think you get more consistent results, and it is much easier to pinpoint which product could be the reason for something going very wrong or very right... Great post!

    1. Absolutely! I thought to myself---if this is working, why oh why would I want to try something else? And isn't the point of experimenting to find what works?!!

  2. I'm leaning towards the minimalists life. I used to have so many conditioners. Now I'm down to a few. I look at some of my old posts and wonder why I was doing TOO much. I agree that if your regimen is less complicated, you are likely to stick to it.

    1. High five for getting on the minimalist trek! Curiosity sometimes gets the best of me at times but I'm sooooo much better than I used to be!

  3. I haven't really bought new products and i do agree with you that products have an expiration date which may be ruining your hair and you not know.

    1. I knew that when I had to sit and really think about how long I'd had some of my products, that it was time to get my PJ life together!

  4. This is so true... In the last year I realised I need to curb my product junkie enthusiasm and I actually beleive my hair health has improved now that I stick to my staples.

    1. YAS!!! For finding something that works and sticking to it! Now let's just pray that our faves don't get discontinued!

  5. I am also attempting to be minimal this year because I didn't achieve much hair growth due to too much experimenting.


    1. Hey Lebo! I totally think that experimentation is a good thing---but in my experience---I tended to go overboard and that's where the issues started! Curse my PJ ways!

  6. This is a great post. This is exactly the realization I came to when I decided I wanted healthier hair. Like, it was great and fun trying all these new products, but in order to really know if a product works, you have to use it over a long period of time! So, let's save money and our hair!! #LoveIt

    1. Being a PJ is fun for a while. I was just wondering if anyone else looked into their product stash and thought "Do I really NEED all of this?" Because when I asked myself that question...the answer was not really

  7. Amen amen! You know how many PJs want to kill you right now though? LOL
    I definitely find that when I was a PJ, I wasted a lot of money. However, sometimes being a PJ is necessary to discovery your holy grails.

    1. Hahahaha! I'm not coming for anyone's product stash. Girl, if you like it then I love it!

      I just wanted to put out into the atmosphere that you don't have to ride the PJ train forever. Once you've found what works for you---stick to it!

  8. I oscillate between being a product junkie and a minimalist. When I get my stash down low, I get overcome with the urge for more and then I undoubtedly go overboard, realize what I did and then switch back to pairing down my stash. But you are right about the points you've made, especially decision fatigue.

    1. Omgosh Kim---That's exactly what I'm afraid of! I just need to keep reminding myself that if it's not broke then don't fix it!

  9. Amen to this post! I may not want to admit to it ruining my hair but I can definitely identify with the Wasteful and Decision Fatigue points!

    1. I actually wish now that I would have taken a picture of how bad my product stash was. I mean, it was enough stuff for a small village! I'm promising myself right now that I'll never get that attached to products again!

      Thanks for stopping by chica!

  10. My goal is to be a minimalist. I realized that in 2015 I became a product junkie. So I've been slowly getting rid of products that I don't use/need.

    1. I will admit that I still have a few things that I want to minimize. For example, I'm still holding on to my flat iron even though I haven't used it since 2014!


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