Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Quick and Easy Bentonite Clay Hair Rinse For Natural Hair

I won't lie, bentonite clay mask treatments are a labor of love. All that pouring and mixing plus the time it takes to apply and dry can be just too much work to do every wash day. So I started "clay rinsing." It's basically the same exact recipe as my Bentonite Clay Mask Treatment---but its consistency is thinner and can be done in one step in the shower. Which is perfect when you're pressed for time but still want your curls to pop! Here's what I used:

Related: DIY Bentonite Clay Mask Treatment

2 oz Bentonite Clay (I use Aztec Healing Clay)
4 oz Aloe Vera Juice (I like this one)
1 oz Apple Cider Vinegar (Bragg is the best!)
2 tbsp Glycerin (These are good choices)
Plastic bottle with a lid (Applicator bottles like this one are awesome)
And here's how I mix it:
  1. I add the clay to my applicator bottle using a funnel. I like to use an applicator bottle with a cap so that it's easier to mix.
  2. Next add the apple cider vinegar. It will bubble and foam up---Don't be alarmed!
  3. Add your aloe vera juice and glycerin. Secure the lid of your applicator bottle and shake it gently! Your mix should be thin, but not runny. If it's too thick, add more liquid and shake. If it's too thin, add more clay and shake again

I like to clay rinse after a pre-shampoo treatment but before I deep condition (or co-wash if I'm being really lazy pressed for time) because while the clay will cleanse your scalp and give you AHA-mazing curl definition, but it can also make your curls feel a little stiff. Running a little conditioner through your hair after the clay rinse handles that situation! I did a clay rinse this week and I'll share all the dets in tomorrow's #washdayexperience.

Are you clay/mud rinsing? What's your favorite recipe?



  1. I have never tried clay of any form on my hair but I must say that your curls really did pop.


    1. Thanks chica! It took me a while to actually try it but I'm beyond glad that I did!

  2. Book marking this for future reference. I've never tried clay either but they really do give a pop to those curls.

    1. I had a terrible time distinguishing between my texlaxed hair and unprocessed hair before my (second) BC--- but clay rinsing was my saving grace! It defined my curls like no body's business! So whenever you're ready to grab those scissors---do a clay rinse first!

    2. Oh yay! I am worried about having a hard time distinguishing between my texlaxed and natural texture when I do decide to cut. I'll definitely use clay before. Thanks for this tip.

    3. Welcome chica! Fingers crossed that it helps!

  3. This is the second bentonite clay hair rinse post I am reading in one hour from blogs I am subscribed to...maybe the hair universe is trying to tell me something. I only ever use bentonite clay as a face mask for my super oily face (you can fry an egg or two on my face on a good hot and humid day I kid you not lol)

    1. Omgosh---that's totally the universe girl! Nothing is a conscience! *cue the x-files theme*

  4. :-) did you have me in mind when you wrote this?

    i'm def going to try this as a rinse because I want to see how my hair responds to a rinse vs the full mask

    1. By request chica! So far, I've found that my hair responds just as well to the rinse as it does the mask.

      However, I'm guessing that if you're really struggling with curl definition, frizziness, and moisture retention then you'd want the mask, but if you're just maintaining then the rinse is good enough. (If that made any sense at all!)

  5. Really popped 'em curls like wow!! I have a dea sea minerals clay mask which I can use for hair but not sure if it will do much for my texlaxed hair. Use it for my face and it's gotten so radiant.


    1. I never tried it on my hair pre-big chop, but I'm thinking that the rinse could still give your texlaxed hair some moisture and shine!


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