Sunday, June 09, 2013

Healthy Hair Insight: Feeding Your Hair Positivity

Healthy Hair Insight: Think Positive 

What's your hair woe of choice? Split ends? Over-processed stands? Knots and tangles? Well stop obsessing. Ahora. It does more harm than good. Stress is very very sneaky [cue Elmer Fudd impression]. When pressure and anxiety mount, your body takes a hit and so does your hair. 
Many believe that stress hormones mess with hair follicles forcing them to skip through their growing phase right into a resting phase. Resting strands equal shedding, so, here are some tips on how to respond to stressful [hair] moments with poise: 
  1. Practice Mindfulness- Recite the things the things that are working. Focus on the here and now. Take a few minutes (or hours if you need it) to practice mindful breathing through mediation. Don't worry about the future and don't replay the past over and over.
  2. Cultivate strength- What are you really good at? What energizes you? What tasks in your regimen are easy for you to do? Once you know, find a way to use those strengths to push you further in your hair care journey. You're hair cock-tailing master? Have you perfected flexi-rod sets? Focus on those strengths.
  3. Celebrate progress- You're your happiest you when you feel like your making progress toward meaningful goals. First, you have to clarify your goals (health vs. length), then ensure that you have the tools to achieve them. Notice the progress that you've made and how far from the start line you've come. You may not be at the length that you want but if you've retained any length at all, increased thickness, or simply learned to care for your hair so that it thrives instead of suffers, then you're #winning!
  4. Nurture relationships- Spend some time with those that minimize stress and will uplift you when you have doubts. This means---don't call your friend that thinks you're crazy for putting cooking oils in your head. There are tons of supportive hair friends blogging, YouTubing, and Instagraming their hearts out that will console you in anything hair related. Told the stylist that you wanted a trim but got a 4 inch cut? Look to a hair friend. Chances are that they've been there before and will remind you that "this too shall pass."
Setbacks are only setups for success. Banish that stress from your regimen. Learn. Be better. Feed yourself positivity. Move on. 

Besitos Chicas!



  1. Great Topic !
    Positivity is everything :-)

  2. Agreed! We all have those moments, but staying focused and positive makes a big difference.

  3. Such an amazing post and often so easy to forget how important these things are!

    1. I firmly believe as easy as it is to get caught up in a set back, its just as easy to get set up for your next run at success. Thanks for follwoing!


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