Friday, May 16, 2014

How To Wear Your Hair For Pilates | Fitness Friday

Pilates is kinda my think right now. If you're not similar with Pilates, think Yoga practice with intentional focus on sculpting, toning, and strengthening your torso, while increasing flexibility, circulation, and mental/physical well-being. Right after I signed up for my class, being the hair obsessed chica that I am, my next thought was "How in the world do you wear you hair for Pilates?" Ha-ha. Well, today on #fitnessfriday, I'm sharing my Pilates hair do's and don'ts plus a few hairstyles that will keep your hair looking amazing whilst you tone your body. 

Pilates Hair Do's:
  • Wear your hair up: You know that girl who does more work trying to fix her hair during class than she does working out? Don't be that chica. 
  • Secure your tresses: If you have bangs, pull them up. If you have layers, grab a headband to keep them out of your face and off your neck
Pilates Hair Don'ts:
  • Say no to ponytails: My instructor told me a horror story about the time that someone got their long low ponytail stuck in one of the machines whilst working on her side bends. Enough said right?  
  • Say no to low buns: Mat work requires proper head positioning. So those low buns will annoy the heck out of you.
  • Say no to pins or barrettes: I suffered through a Pilates session with a bobby pin probing my brain. It was the worst thing ever! If you need to use pins, be sure that they are flat to your head not digging into your scalp.
My favorite Pilates hairstyles are combinations of braids, side tucks, and high buns. All of these styles keep you from fussing with your hair and allow you to concentrate on your body.
Have you ever tried Pilates? How did you wear your hair?

Let's inspire together! Create a fitness related blog post and link up every Friday with me, KLP of SavingOurStrands, Ebony of Longing4Length, and Britt of One&20

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  1. ​Follow your hosts: SavingOurStrands, Longing4Length, and One&20 via Bloglovin'
  2. Fitness is the theme. Entries completely unrelated to the theme or linked to your homepage will be deleted---we not about that life!
  3. Inspire the Fitness Friday contributor that linked up directly before you with an encouraging comment. We are each here to support each other and build a community of determined women and hair-friends. (Don’t worry, the chica ​who links up after you will do the same; So everyone gets love​!).
  4. Share it! Your blog post must link back to this site so others see. We even made this nifty button which links back to the Fitness Friday page! Just copy and drop the code into your blog post.



  1. okay so the goddess braids are EVERYTHING!!!! Love it!!!! Even though I've never really tried pilates. lol!

    1. If you enjoy yoga then you'd probably love Pilates!

  2. I cannot believe you are doing Pilates. Does it work?

    1. Absolutely! Pilates is great for lengthening and toning your body. I started in January last year at a studio. I loved my class. Now I either do a Pilates DVD or go to class at my gym.

  3. I need to get back into pilates! You are so right about the no loose hair!

    1. When my instructor told me about the girl who got her hair stuck in the reformer I was PETRIFIED! You'll NEVER see me with loose hair in Pilates. NEVER. Ha-ha!

  4. I like pilates but I LOVE yoga..probably bc it's more meditative and relaxing (I always fall asleep). Great post

    1. I heart yoga too. But I feel like I get a better "workout" with Pilates. You're totally not the only one that wants to fall asleep in yoga class. LOL!

  5. I haven't done pilates in a while. I'm in a workout lull. Will resume in a few weeks. Gotta get back in the groove.
    Divachyk | Relaxed Thairapy

    1. Pilates is like riding a bike. You must be rusty, but you never forget!

  6. thank you for these tips! I love yoga & pilates :)

  7. Omg I HAAAAAATE when there's that girl in yoga fumbling with her hair. I will be deep into a meditative pose and then the girl to my side starts jerking around like a crazy person trying to get her hair out of her face and breaking my focus.

  8. very cute hair styles KLP. Lol at the pin digging into your brain the whole time through a class. How annoying

    1. Ain't it the worse. And I don't want to be that girl fiddling with her hair all throughout class!

  9. I have a pilates DVD, does that count?! lol............I really need to dust off those DVDs though :)

    1. Absolutely! When I can't make it to class I pop my DVD in and go to work!


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