Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunday Healthy Hairology Medley

Because healthy hair talk is awesome--here's my rundown of last week’s best healthy hair related blogs, vlogs, and forum features that I've found about the web:

An Inch for Your Thoughts #16: “Do you ever get tired of doing that?” hairthereeverywhere: Most days, the only me time that I get is "hair-time," so I try to enjoy every moment of it. Do I think that I'll ever get tired of doing my hair? Probably not---9/10 times---I'm totally looking forward to wash days. I love that my hair gets a clean start, I love my hair's versatility, and I love that its allll mine. Yep. ALL MINE! Ellerlashanda relates relaxer day length checks to Christmas---and I totally agree! 

Knowing Your Ingredients: DMDM Hydantoin smoothcuticles: Can being on a HHJ count towards college chemistry credit? Read up on why you should be reading that teensy weensy fine print indegredient list on the back of your favorite natural, salon and cheapie brand products. You can thank Tasia later.

Spiralicious Is One Week Old! Here Are Some Customer Reviews jessicurl: Awww! Jessicurl's newest curl-tastic product, Spiralicious, is just a week old and has a AHA-mazing reviews! I'm usually not a "styler product lover" but I'd love to see if Spiralicious could tame my little lady's super fuzzy frizz. Plus, you can get a free sample with each paid order. Yummy!

Becoming a Full-Time Blogger naturalhairrules: Although this isn't really hair related---it's a definitely a healthy life post. Read how NRH editor-in-chief Tamara walked on faith not by sight with her blog.

Bloggers: What's on your list of the week's best healthy hair posts? Link up your run down post from last week below!
Healthy Hairology Medley LINKUP RULES

1. Share your run down the week's best healthy hair related blog posts, YouTube clips, and forum features that you've found about the web this week. Be it relaxed&radiant tresses, big fluffy naturalidad curls, or anything else in between. Entries completely unrelated to the theme or linked to your homepage will be deleted. 

2. Link back to this site so others see. Looky at this nifty button we made for you! 

<div align="center"><a href="" title="SavingOurStrands" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="SavingOurStrands" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

3. Muy Importante chicas: Visit the healthy hairology post of the person who linked up directly before you and leave the author an encouraging comment. This is the most important component of this linkup. We are each here to encourage each other and build a community of determined women and hair-friends.

Besitos Chicas!
KLP & Kedya


  1. No linky posty, I was all ready for you. You've been tagged, Miss Lady!

    1. The linkup is all ready! Lo siento chica!

    2. No problem! I tagged you on one of my posts. "20 random facts about me". Let me know if you are interested.


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