Friday, June 13, 2014

How To Run A Virtual 5K | #FitnessFriday

Do you want to run a 5K but don't know how to start? Or maybe you really want a wingman and none of your friends/family are interested? No local 5K races? Perhaps you haven't found a race that fits into your schedule. Well today on #FitnessFriday, I'm sharing how you can run a 5k race regardless of your fitness level, location, with anyone, and at anytime. Welcome to the world of virtual 5ks and here's how to do it:
  1. Get Registered: Find a race online and just say yes! Don't know where to start? Join Black Girls Run and sign up for their WalkB4URUN! Virtual 5K
  2. Start Training: Black Girls RUN! has a super cool, effective, and simple training plan that I recommend to everyone. You can download yours here. Plus it's totally free! #woot You start my walking on week 1. You'll end running on week 12.
  3. Map Your Route: Whether you're running in your neighborhood, at the park, or on the trails, the very last thing that you want to do is not complete the full 3.1 mile race. If you're not sure where to run, meet up with your local BlackGirlsRun group for training sessions and the beautiful encouragement. You can find a group in your city by visiting here
  4. Get your bib: After you register, most virtual races provide a link where you can download your bib. Race bibs are like badges of honor---I never run a race without one!
  5. Run your kinda race: It doesn't matter if you run a 15 minute race or you crawl a 151 minute race. The goal is to finish. Plus you already know that you can do it!
  6. Submit your results and do an embarrassing happy dance: Follow the directions that your race provides. Typically you have to upload your time on your hosts virtual roster. Then cabbage patch, dougie, or butterfly! You did it! Next, stalk the mail man for your race bling! It's typically delivered 3-4 weeks after the race. I HEART race bling! 
Tada!! There you have it, how to run a virtual 5k. Easy enough right? So who's lacing up their sneakers and running with me?


Let's inspire together! Create a fitness related blog post and link up every Friday with me, KLP of SavingOurStrands, Ebony of Longing4Length, and Britt of One&20

Fitness Friday Linkup RULES

  1. ​Follow your hosts: SavingOurStrands, Longing4Length, and One&20 via Bloglovin'
  2. Fitness is the theme. Entries completely unrelated to the theme or linked to your homepage will be deleted---we not about that life!
  3. Inspire the Fitness Friday contributor that linked up directly before you with an encouraging comment. We are each here to support each other and build a community of determined women and hair-friends. (Don’t worry, the chica ​who links up after you will do the same; So everyone gets love​!).
  4. Share it! Your blog post must link back to this site so others see. We even made this nifty button which links back to the Fitness Friday page! Just copy and drop the code into your blog post.

Fitness Friday



  1. That sound really cool a virtual race, I am going to have to try it. I have always wanted to run/walk a 5k race, but never wanted to go by myself. This is a way I can do it and still get me some bling and a bib, lol! Thank for the great post.

    1. Yay! I'm running in the June 28th race with my hubby on vacation. Sucks for him though---no bling! Haha! Let me know when you sign up. I'll totally virtually run with you!

  2. Rain-Check please LOL! I'm soo not a runner, I commend you!! I think it would be best if I start with a mile or two!!

    1. I'm going to hold you to that rain check Kendra! Ha-ha! Thanks for stopping by chica!

  3. This is such a cool idea!
    I definitely am not running, but I think that option is fantastic!

    1. Aww...cmon Britt! I think that you'd totally rock this!

  4. This is interesting. I would love to try it, but I cannot run to save my wallet. Kisses!

    1. LOL! You can start by walking and when you feel the time is right---run!

  5. Replies
    1. It's just a brilliant idea all around! I can't wait for the next race!


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