Friday, April 18, 2014

What I Learned About Hurts, Hang ups, Habits, and Healthy Hair While Running

*The crowd goes wild* It's #FitnessFriday! Once upon a time I would avoid strenuous activity like the plague. Not only did I believe that I could sweat out a "perm" but so did all of my friends. We'd halt gym time if anyone dropped a bead of sweat and ditch the club early if it got to crowded and/or hot. Fast forward to the present--now I'm all about the sweat life. Now I adore running---not for its obvious cardiovascular benefits but for what its taught me about hurts, hang ups, (bad) habits, and claro que si, my hair.  

Hurts- There's a purpose for the pain; It may not be good to you but it's good for you: Running is fun---never have I ever said. Running is painful. Running is hard. Running is exhausting. But crossing the finish line--well that's... Amazing. Exhilarating. Accomplishing. The reward is always worth the pain. Not everything that we do---in the name of being the best that we can be--is supposed to be easy. Yet the pain is always worth the reward.   

Habits: Watching the clock is wastes time- 
I use RunKeeper (yep its free!) to track my 5k time and distance. Its a pretty cool app that tells me when to start running, when I'm half way, and when to slow down to an easy pace. All of the time between, its silent. Sometimes too silent. I don't have good days every time that I run. And on those not so good days, I find myself habitually pulling my phone out to check my progress. Every time that I do, my stride suffers--my focus shifts---my overall pace slows. When life gets hard---how easy is it to want to countdown the hours, minutes, and seconds until its all over? But every time that you do---you're wasting time and giving discouragement a welcome home because it feels as if nothing's changed. 

Hang ups: Being thankful for success and setbacks- Setbacks suck. I try to avoid them like the plague. Yet one always has a way of creeping in where I least expect it. The good news: ain't it funny how setbacks often mold us more willingly than success can? Learning to have an attitude of gratitude, no matter what the circumstance will change the way that you view those pesky buggers. Setbacks are always set ups for success---ONLY when you make the choice to learn from them. 

Healthy Hair: My journey isn't the same as your journey- My superhero hubby agreed to help me train for my 5k. He's super athletic. He plays basketball, football, and softball. But there was one little problem. He hates running. With a passion. While I ran 3-4 times a week, working on my endurance, perfecting my stride, and focusing on my breathing---he was playing pick up games with his boys. Yet every time that he joined me---he flew right by me. I really wanted to complain, give up, and get nasty. But I remembered (and therefore painfully bit my tongue) that timing is everything. What I needed do was stay on my course. In due time, I'll be faster. In due time, I'll be better. In due time, I'll be stronger. My time just wasn't that day. How many of us have seen chicas who started their hhj around the same time that we did with pixie cuts who have MBL+ hair today? Yes its frustrating. Yes we want to find something wrong with her and her hair to validate our own insecurities (y'all know what I'm talking about---HATE is running rampant on blogs, forums, and YouTube) but at the end of the day, your hair isn't her hair. For one person, MBL takes one year. For others it might take 5+ years. Yet being faithful to your own journey is ever important. You will get there one day when you stay the course and that day will be great. Get your confetti ready chica!

Let's inspire together! Create a fitness related blog post and link up every Friday with me, KLP of SavingOurStrands, Ebony of Longing4Length, and Britt of One&20

Fitness Friday Linkup RULES

  1. ​Follow your hosts: SavingOurStrands, Longing4Length, and One&20 via Bloglovin'
  2. Fitness is the theme. Entries completely unrelated to the theme or linked to your homepage will be deleted---we not about that life!
  3. Inspire the Fitness Friday contributor that linked up directly before you with an encouraging comment. We are each here to support each other and build a community of determined women and hair-friends. (Don’t worry, the chica ​who links up after you will do the same; So everyone gets love​!).
  4. Share it! Your blog post must link back to this site so others see. We even made this nifty button which links back to the Fitness Friday page! Just copy and drop the code into your blog post.



  1. Great post, KLP. I love the part about HURT. What a wonderful way to put it!

  2. Oh yes! And even readers who update me on their beautifully long hair who've flown right by me. It makes me feel happy to have helped and we can't compare ourselves to ANYONE else!

    1. Exactly Ebony! And we can't discount their success because we will get there one day!

  3. Awesome awesome AWESOME post!

  4. Great post! I totally agree with it! everyone has a different path!

    1. There's more than one way to skin a cat right? (Or whatever that's supposed to mean! LOL)

  5. i've been yearning to try (emphasis on try) and run a 5k and you are now my inspiration
    your section on "hurt" is so true.


    1. You are totally stronger than you think Vanessa! Discouragement is a dream killer.

  6. "Every set-back is a set up for a comback". Congratulations on completing your 5K.

    1. Thanks Sammy! We had a blast! Have you ever done a 5k?

  7. LOVE THIS! You inspire to reach my 5k goal

    1. If you can kill a mud run then you'll destroy a 5k Aku!


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