Friday, February 27, 2015

3 Tips for Exercising With Natural Hair | #FitnessFriday

I'm only a few weeks post big chop, but I'm totally not new to the struggle to keep your hair looking cute and going beast mode in the gym. Here's how I'm managing---so far.

Instead of shampooing---co-wash

If you workout more than 4 hours a week, you should probably be washing your hair twice a week. Shampoos tend to strip my hair so, I started co-washing a few summers ago while I was stretching my relaxers. Co-washing made my roots soft and fluffy. While it kept my scalp free of sweat, dirt, and grime. I was able to prevent my ends from knotting by detangling pre-wash and then washing in sections. Since my chop, I'm loving co-washing even more! My hair actually doesn't tangle anymore! #winning.

Protective Styles

I love me a good protective style! Top knots, low buns, halo braids,  french twists. You name it---I'm about it. If you're used to having your hair free, then it will take a lot of getting used to, but I promise that your hair will thank you. Plus in an updo--you won't have to fuss about with your hair!

No heat

If you love a wash-and-go---then you're good to go. But if you're like me and not about that life (yet) then you need to find a way to stretch your hair...without heat. Damage from using heat tools too frequently is real! Make air drying will be your friend. I've been using the banding technique for about a 1 1/2 year (even before I big chopped) to stretch my hair. You can find the dets here.

What are your tips for keeping your hair cute while you get your sweat on?



  1. These are really good tips KLP, so thanks for sharing. I do have a suggestion however, I thought the first tip was skipping shampoo and, skipping cowashing as well. Took me a while to understand you meant skip shampoo and cowash instead or skip shampoo, rather, cowash. Maybe i'm slow but I think a different heading can better reflect your meaning. Thank you.

  2. Oh,thanks a lot KLP for understanding. Your humility is amazing. Not every blogger has that so I appreciate.

    1. No sweat chica! I stink at proofreading, editing, and grammar!

  3. LOL my hair is NEVER cute while I work out b/c I go intense during my workouts. There's no way it will stay in place BUT I do wash - n - go's and sometimes will have it twisted and tied down and wait until the sweat dries before removing my scarf, primping and going out the door to work.

    1. LOL!! Too true! Keeping your headband on until your hair dries is a brilliant idea! Nothing worse than trying to fight the frizzes after going beastmode at the gym!

      Thanks for stopping by chica!

    2. I second the scarf tip! I love my twists, but if they aren't tied down during a workout, I will have frizz galore! Great tips! I am definitely looking forward to a better month fitness wise.

  4. Great tips KLP! & they even work for us relaxed heads too! lol

  5. I never worry about it LOL. I guess that is why I went natural. However, in the summer I have to retwist my hair every two days because it gets to puffy. Nice linkup and I will be back next week.


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