Friday, August 29, 2014

The Best Fit-spiration Pinterest Boards | #FitnessFriday

I'm kinda sorta addicted to Pinterest---especially for fitness inspiration. I love uncovering inspirational quotes, ways to shake up my workout routine, and literally laughing out loud at fitness funnies. Check out my best of the best in Pinterest Fit-spiration:

Brooklyn Active Mama
Nellie's sassy sense of humor translates from her fabulous fitness blog to her hilarious fitness funnies. If you need a fitness related giggle---she's your girl!

Les Astuces De Margaux
Margaux is an imaging French lifestyle/beauty blogger with a distinguishing eye for positivity radiant fitness affirmations.

Ok Dani!
Dani is genuinely dedicated to increasing her wellness---and yours too. She a mom of 2, wife of 1, and beach body fanatic. I adore the fitness motivation that flows from her on Pinterest.

It's your turn! Who do you follow on Pinterest for Fit-spiration?


PS: In other news, #FitnessFriday will be under construction for a few weeks. We've got some ridiculous awesomeness planned to share with you guys to spice it up a bit. So definitely stay tuned for more information. In the meantime, you can still link up with either my blog bestie Ebony from or myself on Fridays! 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Battle of the Co-Wash Conditioner

Co-washing is a fancy way of saying "I wash my hair with conditioner." I'd never been on the co-washing bandwagon in the past because ain't no body have time for multiple wash days each week! Then, my vacation last summer completely changed my mind about co-washing. Amusement parks, exercising, sweating in the ridiculously hot Florida sun, swimming---there was no way that I'd be able to get away with one wash day. So, I bit the co-washing bullet and my hair LOVED IT. I was able to refresh my scalp, cleanse my strands, and give my hair a dose of moisture all in one step. Over the last year, I've dated several conditioners that are perfect for co-washing, under $10, and widely available. Before we get started, let me give you an idea of what I want in PERFECT co-washing conditioner:

What makes a co-washing conditioner me?
  1. Hydrating- My one true co-wash prince has to be the boost of moisture that wards of breakage in drought-like conditions and keep it there until my next wash. None of that moisturized in the morning and dry by the night mess here.
  2. Cleansing- Read: remove build up, dirt, and sweat but DON'T strip my hair. After all, if I wanted a good clean start, I'd use shampoo.
  3. Detangling- Slip. slip and more slip. If it don't have slip then it will be immediately disqualified! I detangle my hair pre-wash and I expect it to stay detangled through the wash process.
Deep conditioners need not apply!
It's tempting, but don't use a deep conditioner has a co-washing conditioner. You'll get this icky build up situation going on that will require clarifying. Trust me---that's more trouble that it's worth. 

Here are your Battle of the Co-Wash Contestants:
Herbal Essence Hello Hydration
Aussie Moist 3 Minute Miracle
Organix Renewing Oil of Morocco
Tresemme Naturals Nourishing Moisture

Let the battle begin!


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

[Hairstyle] Bantu Knot Side Puff | The #WashDayExperience

All summer I've struggled to get a "wearable" bantu knot set. I have this three texture situation going on: natural roots, totally under-processed texlaxed mid-strand (thanks to the relaxer drama of my last touch up), and normal texlaxed ends. My bantu knot curls from roots to mid-strand look great---then those ends... *hangs head* Needless to say, I was determined to redeem my bantu knot curls this week. Here's how my #washdayexperience went:

  1. Pre-Poo- I finger detangled using extra virgin coconut oil.
  2. Shampoo- with Jessicurl Cleansing Cream.
  3. Extreme deep condition- I deep conditioned with Jessicurl Deep Treatment on the length of my hair. Then I massaged my stands with extra virgin coconut oil, covered with a plastic cap and sat under my hooded dryer for an hour and left it in overnight.
  4. Tea Rinse- using 2 chamomile tea bags steeped in 2 cups of water + 2 tbsp of glycerin.
  5. Smoothing Treatment- with a large dollop of Matrix Biolage Detangling Solution.
  6. Air Dried- I applied a bit of Chi Silk Infusion to 80-85% wrapped in a cotton t-shirt.
  7. Leave ins- I used Jessicurl Too Shea Extra Moisturizing Conditioner to moisturize, my kitchenista Tangerine Vanilla Whipped Hair Butter to seal, and bantu knotted my hair in about 10 sections.
The Results:
Can I get a confetti filled balloon drop fireworks show for girls at Jessicurl? Yeah, I know that you're so over hearing me rave about these products but OMG that Deep Treatment feels my hair feeling so ridiculously silky soft moisturized. It probably should be a crime. The Too Shea Extra Moisturizing Conditioner is just marvelous. I don't even hate the scent anymore! 

My curls turned out pretty nicely this go around. To style, I pulled them over to the side and secured with a few pins. Nothing really fancy, but I felt kinda spicy! 

How was your #washdayexperience? Share the dets below!


The Wash Day Experience Linkup RULES

  1. Healthy Hair is the theme. Entries completely unrelated to the theme or linked to your homepage will be deleted.
  2. Share it! Your blog post must link back to this site so others see. We even made this nifty button below which links back to The Wash Day Experience page! Just copy and drop the code into your blog post.
  3. Encourage the wash day experience contributor that linked up directly before you with an inspiring  comment. We are each here to support each other and build a community of determined women and hair-friends. Don’t worry, the chica ​who links up after you will do the same; comment love for everyone! 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Did You Win The Matrix Biolage Hydrasource Giveaway?

A special thanks to all that entered the Matrix Biolage Hydrasource giveaway! I sure wish that I could send one of these full sizes gift packs to each of you, but don't fret---Keyda and I will give you another chance to win something amazing in a few days!  Congrats to Sammy of SavvySammy! Here what you won chica:

1. Hydrasource Shampoo
  • HYDRASOURCE shampoo gently cleanses hair leaving it moisturized and shiny
  • Moisture levels in the hair are balanced, increasing softness and manageability
  • Paraben-free formula is also suitable for color-treated hair
2. Hydrasource Conditioner
  • Conditions and detangles while adding softness
  • Seals the cuticle to lock the moisture
  • Formula is suitable for color-treated hair 
3. Biolage Scented Candle
  • Light your candle for the complete Biolage experience
  • Enjoy and relax, knowing you've met your BIOMATCH


Monday, August 25, 2014

Healthy Hairology Medley

Hola lindas! Welcome back to Healthy Hairology Medley! I'm super excited to share another edition of my favorite healthy hair tips, tricks, and techniques from bloggers and vloggers this week. I love discovering new things to make my hair happy. Here's my best of the best this week:

8 Reasons Your Twist Outs Look A Hot A$ Mess kinkycurlycoilyme: Soo...I think that Jennel wrote this especially for me, because I can't get a twist out right to save my life!

How To Pin Curl Hair Without Dents longing4length: Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! I'm wondering how well the no crease pins would work on fluffy air dried hair....

Natural Hair:Twisted Goddess Protective Style fashiontolive: I'm totally not bold enough to sport this super cute style on my own hair but it's some kinda gorgeous right?!?

The easy 5 min trick for beautiful hair (and it’s free!) hairromance: Scalp massages are so simple and fast, there's really no reason not to give yourself one a few times a week. And I just love Christina's thorough tips on how to make it even easier to do.


Friday, August 22, 2014

3 Ways I Reduce Stress with Exercise | #FitnessFriday

Although I haven't sprinkled any #FitnessFriday pixie dust on SavingOurStrands in a while, I'm actually been quite active this summer. My life has gotten super stressful over the last few months and the only thing keeping me sane is working out. Thanks to the craziness of my Framily FitBit group, sweaty vacations, and my grandparents gifting me a juicer, I've lost 10 lbs and haven't pulled all my hair out in the process.

My FitBit Framily:
FitBit has a pretty cool social interface that allows you to "friend" other FitBit users and create groups. My friends and family (hence: Framily) set up a group so that we could encourage spy on each other. The users in the group are ranked according to how many steps they take in a 7 day period. The people in my FitBit Framily are freakin maniacs. I put in 20,000 steps a day and its still not enough to get to the top of the leader board most weeks! One of my friends told me that she was going to unfriend everyone in my family because we're addicted and she even accused one of them of cheating (I think that he's cheating too...Ha-ha!) We taunt each other mercilessly---but it's all in good fun. The transparency is dope and the accountability is like nothing else that I've seen before. When you don't hit your goal---everyone knows. When you have a superstar day---everyone knows. When when I'm pressed for time or stressed, I still force myself to get my steps every day!

Active Stay-acations:
My hubby and I celebrated our wedding anniversary last weekend with a mojito march (which is a fancy word for bar hopping), shopping, and dining at some amazing restaurants in Georgetown. In the process we went car-less walked almost 20 miles in 2 days, and biked several miles along the waterfront. It totally made up for all of our indulgences! Next year we're planning to go canoeing, hit up some rugged bike terrain, and go running though the national mall. I never realized how much fun working out together could be!

Sooo...My first juice cleanse was a complete and utter fail. I really didn't think that I'd try it again---until my grandparents gifted me a juicer! For the last two weeks I've been juicing any and every fruit and veggie that I can find! I didn't go for a complete cleanse forgoing solid food, but I did commit to drinking a tall glass of juice at every meal and whenever I felt hungry during the day. I never understood what bloating was (or wasn't) until I started juicing and reducing my carb intake. My tummy looks flatter and my jeans are much more comfortable! I think that it's safe to say that juicing is here to stay!

In other news, #FitnessFriday will be under construction for a few weeks. We've got some ridiculous awesomeness planned to share with you guys to spice it up a bit. So definitely stay tuned for more information. In the meantime, you can still link up with either my blog bestie Ebony from or myself on Fridays. If you're interested in becoming a co-host of #FitnessFriday shoot me a note


Thursday, August 21, 2014

[Life] A Love Letter To My Husband


Within hours of meeting me, my husband's father said "You're going to be my daughter in law. You and DJ are like ying and yang. You'll fit perfectly together." Ever since that day, perfect is the only adjective that describes my marriage.  

A Perfect Mess.

My hubby and I live in a perfect dichotomy. A messy. A goofy. A complicated. A simple. A heart wrenching. A heart warming broken dichotomy. It's taken me 6 years to realize that my marriage is supposed to be this way.

We're Perfectly Imperfect.

I couldn't find the perfect material gift to give him this year for our anniversary, so I wrote him a perfectly imperfect love letter...
"I'm a great runner and I'm a great hider. I'm insincere and I'm boastful. I'm blunt and I'm impatient. I'm rude and I'm cold. I've never quite felt worthy. I've never quite felt like I wasn't alone. I've never quite understood why I should be loved. The walls that that I have up were initially built for protection, now they are like a prison for my heart. I'm beautifully jacked up and imperfect in almost every way. But here you are. Beside me. You are patient with me anyway. You are tolerant with me anyway. You are persistent anyway. You stay anyway. You fight for me anyway. You won't let me run anyway. You love me anyway. Thank you for loving me.

I've been terrified to let you in; Afraid that you'll really see what perfectly jacked joker up I am.
You'll run the other way...
You'll run faster than I could possibly chase...
You'll run like everyone else...

But today, I'm standing before you fearless. I'm not afraid to be compassionate anymore. I'm not afraid to be kind anymore. I'm not afraid to be gentle anymore. I'm not afraid to be patient anymore. I'm not afraid to let you love me---even with all of my mess---anymore. I'm not afraid to just be still--To just be close. I want to be closer to you and I understand that I can't get closer to you with a veil between us. Will I be perfect? Never. Will it be hard? Always. I'm a perfect mess and I thank you in advance for loving me regardless."

I'm so thankful for my perfectly imperfect marriage and I'm even more grateful for the realization that perfection is totally overrated.


Wondering how I came to my a-ha moment? Take a took at Jennifer Smith's A Wife After God. I promise that it will change your life and your marriage.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

[Hairstyle] Bantu Knot High Bun | The #WashDayExperience

Have you ever tried one product from a line, absolutely loved it and wanted to invest in the entire line? Yeah---that's totally this chica. Except, sometimes it can come to bite you in the butt! I've raved about Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie a thousands times. I've even talked how much I like the co-washing cleanser from the same line. So, I figured, heeeyyyy the rest of the line must be good. But oh boy, was I wrong. Here's why you should only try one new product at a time:

  1. Extreme Deep Condition- I gently detangled my hair then applied Shea Moisture Coconut & Hibiscus Conditioner to my unwashed hair. Then I massaged my strands with extra virgin coconut oil, covered with a plastic cap and let marinate under my heat cap for about 3 hours.
  2. Oil Rinse- using a bit more Extra Virgin Coconut oil
  3. Air Dry- wrapped in a satin scarf.
  4. Leave ins- I used Shea Moisture Coconut & Hibiscus Style Milk to moisturize, my kitchenista Tangerine Vanilla Whipped Hair Butter to seal and Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie for hold then bantu knotted my hair in about 12 sections.

The Results:
Meh...not at all what I expected. First I'll chat about the product. The Coconut & Hibiscus line smells fabulousicious. I'd buy the perfume and bathe in it for several days at a time. It's just that good. But this conditioner and leave in? No. No. No. and NO. On application in both instances, I thought, ohh this is nice it's absorbing quickly. has decent slip, I think that my hair will like this. But there was no softness. No silkiness. No moisture. When I rinsed the conditioner or when I took the knots down to fluff the curls. Didn't feel moisturized at all. I'm willing to give it one more try...but probably not anytime soon. 

Bantu Knot fail #5719: The moment when all your curls look great except that one on the right side that didn't curl up all the way making your head look lopsided. no matter what you do or how you fluff the rest of your curls, you still look like a chia pet? Yeah---that was totally this chica. 

I need to re-read my ABCs of Banging Bantu Knots because every single set that I've attempted this summer has been a fail. The curls are too tight. I use products that don't play well together. Or I don't use a holding product and then my curls don't last. I really need to get my bantu knot life right y'all!

Into a high bun with curly bangs it all went. I've officially made it an unofficial protective styling kinda summer.
    How was your #WashDayExperience?

    The Wash Day Experience Linkup RULES

    1. Healthy Hair is the theme. Entries completely unrelated to the theme or linked to your homepage will be deleted.
    2. Share it! Your blog post must link back to this site so others see. We even made this nifty button below which links back to The Wash Day Experience page! Just copy and drop the code into your blog post.
    3. Encourage the wash day experience contributor that linked up directly before you with an inspiring  comment. We are each here to support each other and build a community of determined women and hair-friends. Don’t worry, the chica ​who links up after you will do the same; comment love for everyone! 

    Tuesday, August 19, 2014

    Healthy Hairology Medley

    Welcome back to Healthy Hairology Medley! I'm super excited to share another edition of my favorite healthy hair tips, tricks, and techniques from bloggers and vloggers this week. I love discovering new things to make my hair happy. Here's my best of the best this week:

    The Perfect Hairstyle for Working Out & Maintaining a HHJ belowthawaist: Want to look cute and workout too? Check out Abbi's gym twisted bun!

    Huge 'some what messy' Bun Tutorial diaryofarelaxedchic: Have you ever wanted one of those giant doughy messy buns but didn't feel like your hair was long enough? No worries, Yvonne has a secret hack for you.

    How To Retain Length If You're An Obsessive Hair Manipulator (like me) relaxedhairhealth: Breakage is certainly the devil when it comes to length retention, but at the same time, it's no fun to be in protective styles 24/7. Read about how Nadege whips her hair and protects it too.

    Thursday, August 14, 2014

    Growing Pains of a Wash Day | Keyda

    Braid to side w/ curls 
    Hola Chicas!

    Long time, yo se!

    I have spent much of my summer dealing with moving, working (swim instructor time & school counselor), and just trying to enjoy what I have as a summer! But I am happy to be posting right now :) Through these few weeks,  I had a touch-up right before 4th of July. hah... I am teetering the line of attempting to go post-relaxer over 16 weeks..... yo no se!

    Personally, I have a few "growing pains" I realize with my wash days that I have triumphed or is still attempting to overcome. I wanted to share as we begin a new fall! Do you have any?

    Growing Pains of a Wash Day:    
      Summer Braid w/ Bow 

    1. Tangles & Knots - I think these have gotten worse for me honestly! However, I have learned to just go with the flow. I realize that if the tangle does not come out with my fingers through the pre-poo process, I will wait until I'm under water and detangle while I shampoo or condition! 
    2. 30 minutes and Done! - I used to want to keep my DC under heat for at least 40 minutes or longer! However, I honestly was following the "process". Then I realized my hair soaks in the moisture by 30 minutes and it is good! Yummy... So, I do not keep my DC in my hair any more longer then 30 minutes (unless I am cleaning and forget) because any longer it does not change what it has already done for me!  Lesson - do what is best for YOUR hair! :) 
    3. Style Experimentation - I admit, I admit! I got lazy over the summer and kept my hair pinned up or braided! I plan on trying more bantu knots, flexi-rods and even, gasp, straightening my hair! Basically, I do not want to only bun it up, I want to stay fun with my hair! :P 
    4. Tea Rinses - need I say more!? Keeping it in my regimen 
    5. Product Overload - I have begun limiting the amount of products I am placing in my hair. I do not want my hair to be overwhelmed and if it works, then why try something new! I also want to wait until I need something new before buying products. I do not want to be a product hoarder! lol hehe but hey! it is hard..... 
    Hope everyone is have a blast as their summer turns into fall! Check out my two of my "decent" haha summer styles!
    What have you learned about your wash days!?


    Wednesday, August 13, 2014

    [Hairstyle] Swooped Side Bun (Bantu Knot) | The #WashDayExperience

    My flexi-rod set lasted all of 6 hours before I haphazardly pulled it up into a curly bun as I dashed into Spin class. A day later, my hair was dry as the desert and I immediately regretted not moisturizing. But it wasn't anything that a quick co-wash with Aussie 3 minute moist couldn't handle. I'm happy to report that my hair is still ridiculously moisturized and all is right with the world! LOL. This week, I decided to focus on strengthening my strands with a protein condition:

    1. Extreme Deep Condition- I gently detangled my hair then applied Matrix Ultra Hydrasource Conditioner to my unwashed roots and Joico K Pak on my ends. Then I massaged my strands with extra virgin coconut oil, covered with a plastic cap and left it in overnight.
    2. Tea Rinse- using 2 chamomile tea bags steeped in 2 cups of water + 2 tbsp of glycerin.
    3. Air Dry- with Extra Virgin Coconut Oil applied to wet hair then wrapped in a satin scarf.
    4. Leave ins- I used Jessicurl Too Shea Extra Moisturizing Conditioner to moisturize, my kitchenista Tangerine Vanilla Whipped Hair Butter to seal and then faux banded my hair.

    The Results:
    Very little shed hair? 30 minute detangling? Super moisturized hair? Check. Check. Double Check. I think that this has been my hair's best summer ever. Overnight deep conditioning with Matrix Hydrasource is definitely one of my better ideas. It's safe to say that my experiment with glycerin is actually working well. And I'm still ridiculously in love with Jessicurl Too Shea

    Today I went with a simple side bun and swooped curly bang. Which made me realize how much I miss my big bantu knot curls! My hubby and I are celebrating our wedding anniversary this weekend, so its the perfect time to have fancy un-boring hair. Wish me luck!

    How was your #WashDayExperience?


    The Wash Day Experience Linkup RULES

    1. Healthy Hair is the theme. Entries completely unrelated to the theme or linked to your homepage will be deleted.
    2. Share it! Your blog post must link back to this site so others see. We even made this nifty button below which links back to The Wash Day Experience page! Just copy and drop the code into your blog post.
    3. Encourage the wash day experience contributor that linked up directly before you with an inspiring  comment. We are each here to support each other and build a community of determined women and hair-friends. Don’t worry, the chica ​who links up after you will do the same; comment love for everyone! 

    Tuesday, August 12, 2014

    Big Chop!

    I fell in love with mi cuñada (sister-in-law) the very first time that I met her. She was about to celebrate her quince (15th birthday), independent, opinionated, and truthfully authentic. I loved her sass. I even loved her defiant teenaged angst. The first real conversation that we had was about hair. (go figure!) She was intrigued at how I was able to keep my hair straight and smooth even with the heat/humidity of the summer. But back then, I lived for my flat iron and texture softener. Eventually, she'd ask me to texlax her then BSL hair and of course I obliged. I'd texlax her hair every 3-4 months. I taught her to deep condition weekly. It grew to MBL. We tested out new products together. We learned how to moisturize and seal together. It grew to WL. I styled her hair for proms, homecomings, and graduations. 

    Fast forward 6 years---and I get a text: "Can you bring your shears. I'm ready to cut off my straight ends." My heart skipped a beat. I felt proud and petrified at the same time. 

    Her last texlax was over 2 years ago. During that time, I taught her to do fabulous braid-outs (You know the ones that I CAN'T get right on my own hair...smh) and big bantu knot curls. We perfected her big bun swag. She faithfully moisturized with Herbal Essence Touchably Smooth Split End Protector (say that mess 10x fast!) and sealed her ends with hair butter to keep them strong and healthy. And now she was ready to let 5-6 inches go. We started her big chop on freshly washed and deep conditioned hair. Because I've been caring for her hair for years, I knew exactly where her curly roots met her relaxed ends. I detanlged and whipped out the scissors. I showed her where I had to cut and she squeezed her eyes closed then told me to just do it. 15 minutes later---her WL hair was APL. Full. Thick. Healthy. APL. Honestly, I've never seen her hair so friggin healthy.

    She was in UTTER shock at the shortness; I was too. So to make the length easier to deal with, we immediately blew it out and evened up the hemline. I promised her that it would be back to WL with some TLC before she knew it but that we'd have to trim a little more in a few months to get rid of some heat damage. I'm so proud that she's in love with her curls for the first time in her life. I'm proud that we have been able to share your healthy hair journeys together. But most of all I'm proud that she trusted me with her hair. 

    So, I've hidden my scissors for now because I'm totally afraid that my drooling over her blunt ends will result in my relaxed ends in pile on the floor. 

    Gracias Felicia por confiar en mí con su pelo chcia! Te amo a la luna!


    Don't forget to enter to win a Matrix Hydrasource Gift Pack!

    Monday, August 11, 2014

    Healthy Hairology Medley

    Welcome back to Healthy Hairology Medley! I'm super excited to share another edition of my favorite healthy hair tips, tricks, and techniques from bloggers and vloggers this week. I love discovering new things to make my hair happy. Here's my best of the best this week:
    The Myth of Natural Hair Products thenaturalhaven: Hair product labels are ridiculously confusing. Natural, Green, Unrefined, Organic, Sustainable... They are all simply marketing adjectives to convince you to buy. JC decodes the labels of a few of your favorite products to teach you how to read product labels as they really are versus what the maker wants you to believe. 

    Braids and Prints! allthingssammamama: Thus continuing my obsession with the braids that I'll never install in my own hair---Omgosh, look at how ammamama effortlessly dresses up her box braids. Ugh! Why do I have to be such a long-term-protective style dweeb?!?

    My Do: A Wrap hariofheritage: Head wraps save my life. No seriously. I wear one at least twice a week. Why? I'm lazy! It's insta-style every single time! AND super easy!


    The Hair Mask That Won't Stain Your Pillows intothegloss: I'm totally an advocate of overnight deep conditioning. ODC saves me time and treats my hair to a little extra TLC. But I won't fib---I'm petrified that my conditioner will leak out and destroy my pillowcases---which is why I'm intrigued by The Rene Furterer's Overnight treatment. It supposedly goes on like a conditioner and instantly disappears into your strands. <Drools a little> #dontjudgeme!

    Who made your best of the best this week?
