Monday, December 22, 2014

Healthy Hairology Medley

Hola chicas! Welcome to Healthy Hairology Medley, the rainbow filled glittery space where I share some of my favorite bloggers, vloggers, and perfectly pinnable awesome finds each week. Come on in, have a seat, and get comfy!

Perm Rods on Straight Natural Hair | The Feisty House

Perm rods on Straight Natural Hair thefeistyhouse- I don't straighten my hair often, but when I do---I'm trying to get the most out of it. So when I saw Krystal's perm rod set on her flat ironed hair I (mentally) screamed GENIUS! Here's how she does it and gets her straightened hair to last without reversion!

Holiday Haute Chignon longing4length- Who isn't in love with Ebony's new hair cut?!? Aborbs! Check out her sophisticated holiday chignon perfect for church, an office party, or even New Year's Eve!

Twist Out Results Using Homemade Flaxseed Gel beautifullycurled: Flaxseed gel has been on my hmm-that's-sooo-cool list for months now. And after seeing Kristal's gorgeous twist out using her homemade flaxseed gel----I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to resist the urge to DIY me some too!

Roller Setting: Half and Half Method fancyflairlady: My roller sets usually stink. Not enough tension on the roller. Parts a mess. Too much hair here. Not enough hair there. I'm just not a roller set girl. BUT Kim is. Check out her 5 step process to fabulously bouncy and smooth roller sets!


  1. Awesome links KLP, I need to try making flaxseed gel x

    1. DIY flaxseed gel would probably give your luscious braidouts even more definition Les!

  2. Thanks KLP for featuring me as a part of your medley! I love the other links as well. I am determined to master curling my own hair one day. You ladies do it so well! Happy Holidays!

  3. Why I am so late on seeing this, lol! Thank you for featuring me! :)


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