Friday, December 05, 2014

The Truth About My Half-Marathon Training | #FitnessFriday

Um...Who's idiot idea was it for me to train for a half-marathon? In the winter? During the holidays? With two kids? And high energy demanding career? Whilst a super hero military hubby sails off to save the free world? was my idea. *hangs head*

Training for this half-marathon has kept me busy beyond belief. But it has also kept me focused, excited, and on track. Here's how things are going after pounding the pavement for 4 weeks:

Runkeeper is a sneaky brilliant beast
I'm absolutely devoted to RunKeeper's sub 2:15 Half Marathon training plan. I've only missed one run in 4 weeks. My fast pace is 8:35, my normal pace is 9:30, and my I hate my life and running pace is 10:40. This plan started with a pace of 11:30 and it was truly a struggle to run that slow. But I know that it's for the best because #1 I don't want to get injured and #2 I don't want to overexert myself causing my asthma to rear it's ugly head. 

See Related: How I Stay Fit & Active with Asthma

I'm plenty forgetful so the best part of the RunKeeper plan are the reminders. Before each session, they'll send your phone the cutest alert about your next run. I even ran on Thanksgiving AND the morning after my 10 year high school reunion. #beastmodeKLP

Cold weather running gear
When I moved to the beach a few months ago, I expected sunny skies and 60s year round. I was wrong. Very wrong. Winter hit us like a ton of bricks and forced me into investing in running gear to keep me toasty roasty in the nippy weather. I totally heart under armour (and their outlet store woot!) where I picked up this amazing Infared Jacket, long sleeved shirt, and running leggings. Warm and Stylish!

Strength Training was a dud; Yoga is a rest rockstar
Truth be told, I haven't picked up or even looked at a weight in 4 weeks. *shame face* I know I know..."Runners need to do more than just run" but what had happened was...well...whatevs y'all, I'll do better in the next 4 weeks. The good news is that I'm committed to not doing much on rest days aside from Yoga. Bridges, twists, and sun salutations are helping me with my balance, keeping my his loose, and stretching my glutes.

Over the next few weeks, my running schedule is going to intensify---I'm excited for the challenge but a little nervous to see if I can really handle it. T-104 days!

What are your winter fitness goals?


  1. Wow! That is impressive! Do you work full time? When do you run before or after work? Isnt it dark outside then? How old are your kids? Are they running with you or who looks after them while you train? Sorry for all questions, just Curios to see how you have organized your training.

    1. Hola Lisa! I log 50-60 hours a week but I have an awesome career that gives me the opportunity to work remotely. My hubby and family have been amazingly supportive with my training schedule---They encourage me to run and watch after the minions while I'm out. Honestly, I run whenever and where ever I can. I run on vacays, I run on travel, and even run on holidays. I despise the treadmill, but if I can't get outside--I'll suck it up on log a few miles in the gym. At the end of the day, my schedule isn't going to get any lighter so I have just have to make it work!

  2. I need discipline like you. Great post!

    1. I think that it's less disciplie and more pride. I don't want to fail because...well...because of me, my lack of preparation, or a lost in motivation. I can't just get out there and run 13 miles just like that. LOL. If I'm gonna succeed, the only option is training!

  3. Great work KLP! Can't wait to hear about your race, I'm sure you will meet your goal :)

    1. I'm beyond hype for this race. Fingers crossed that the enthusiasm lasts!

  4. Go, go, go! You're doing great!!!!!

  5. Congrats on your marathon training. That isn't easy. Keep it up!


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