Wednesday, March 16, 2016

[Hairstyle] Curly Upsweep for Natural Hair | The #WashDayExperience

I ditched my Curlformers this week to start testing out styles for our upcoming family photo shoot. Ay dios mio, our pics from last year were EVERYTHING and more to me---but I'm kinda thinking that I want to try something different this year. Give me a shout if you have suggestions!

Here's what I used during this #WashDayExperience:

Pre-shampoo/Strengthening Treatment- DIY Moisturizing Mist (tutorial here) + Aubrey Organics GPB Conditioner (review here)

Clay Rinse- Here's the dets on my recipe

Deep Condition- Jessicurl Deep Treatment Conditioner (review here)
Leave-Ins- Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Why EVCO is AMAZING here) + Jessicurl Too Shea Conditioner (why I love this stuff here) + Camille Rose Twisting Butter (shop it)

RELATED: My Minimalist Natural Hair Regimen

And here's how I did it:

This week's #WashDayExperience is all about deep conditioning hacks, so started with one of NEW favorite hacks: warming up the conditioner.

First, I spritzed the ends of my hair with my DIY Moisturizing Mist (tutorial here). Then I slathered my hair in warmed Aubrey Organics GPB Conditioner (review here) as I detangled. I love this conditioner because it helps makes breakage disappear, defines my curls and it has a TON of slip. This is what my shed hair after detangling looked like:

Hopefully I can continue this breakage-free trend that I have going here! I let the conditioner sit for about 20 minutes before I hopped in the shower, rinsed the conditioner section by section then applied my Clay Rinse with a narrow tip applicator bottle. I'm still on a mission to get the curls in the front of my hair to clump as well as the curls in the back. Fingers crossed that consistency will do the trick!

Next, I deep conditioned with my all time fave conditioner Jessicurl Deep Treatment Conditioner (review here), coated my ends in Extra Virgin Coconut oil to seal in the conditioner (which is another deep conditioning hack!) and plopped under my hooded dryer for about 30 minutes.

Instead of curlformers, this week I attempted a flat twist out. Have you ever started styling your hair and then about half way into it you KNOW that you made a critical error? Yeah...that was me. I knew that my flat twist sections were too small but it was too late for me to turn back. I put a couple of perm rods on the ends and reminded myself that I could always rock a curly puff.

*le sigh*

Anywhos, the next morning, I unraveled my hair.

It wasn't soooooo bad---more texture than I wanted.

Not as voluminous as I was expecting.

Yerp. Up it went into this quick curly upsweep. At least my bangs looked marvelous dah-ling!

I'm definitely going to try again---with bigger sections and I'll probably ditch the perm rods. They had the ends of my curls looking all kinds of cray cray!

How was your #washdayexperience? Share your style this week and your favorite deep conditioning hacks with our healthy hair tribe!




  1. So cute, simple, and chic. I wonder if my hair is long enough to give this look a try. I do a makeshift one when I'm wearing a hat or on days where I feel like my puff could use a poofy bang friend lol. I'd like to give this more expert version of try though ;)

    1. I have no doubt that your hair is long enough! You'll definitely kill this style!

  2. Your hair still turned out great. Plus, you have a strategy for your next attempt.

    1. So true chica. Fingers crossed that bigger sections work better the next time!

  3. Girl if you weren't married with children, I'd swear you were like 15 years old! You look SO young. I know we don't crack LOL. I'm 47 and people think I'm in my early 30s.

    1. Awwww Thanks chica! 30 days until I turn 30!!!! EEEEKKKK I'm super excited!


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