Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Your Healthy Hair On: Coconut Oil

If you're not using coconut oil somewhere in your regimen, your hair hates you. Okay. Sorry, that's a just bit dramatic. We both have a love affair with coconut oil straight out the jar for our hair plus a bunch of our favorite products have coconut oil in them. But everything about this oil is wonderful for your hair. Here's how we use it and why:

Pre-Shampoo: (Spectrum Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil)

How: Apply coconut oil to your hair before your wash as a pre-shampoo treatment. 
Why: Coconut oil has been shown in studies to be the only oil that prevents protein loss while helping hair retain moisture. It reduces hair porosity making it spectacular for chemically relaxed hair which is typically higher porosity. Washing your hair can cause hygral fatigue, which is a fancy way of saying damage caused by frequent swelling (absorbing moisture) and shrinking (losing moisture) of hair fiber.
Keyda's fave coconut products

Leave Ins: (Organix Coconut Milk Anti-Breakage Serum)

How:  Apply a coconut oil laced serum to your hair ends for a boost of strength.
Why: Your ends are the oldest parts of your hair and thus the weakest. Coconut oil prevents them from getting weaker by binding to the natural protein structure of your hair. We love serums with coconut oil. It absorbs easily, assists in detangling, and provides excellent shine. We've noticed that when we use Organix Coconut Milk Anti-Breakage Serum during the week, we don't have many of those itty bitty broken hairs on the bathroom counter whilst styling. 

Sealants: (DIY Hair Butter)
How: Apply a coconut oil based hair butter to seal in your hair's moisture.

Why: As with most oils, coconut oil coats the outer cuticle layer of your hair which increases the hair fiber’s pliability. It also reduces friction and static electricity between the hair fibers. Sealing with a hair butter containing coconut oil prevents moisture loss and moisturized hair is happy hair.

We didn't believe the hype until we tried it for ourselves and read the no-nonsense (but kinda boring) studies about coconut oil and hair here, here, and here.

If you use coconut oil in your regimen, share with us how and why. If you don't, we'd love to know why!

KLP & Keyda


  1. I have a love affair with coconut oil and ALL things coconut. It's such a versatile oil. I fry my eggs with it and spread on toast. It has totally replaced butter/margarine in my house. My hubby loves it in his smoothie and I love it in my oatmeal and choclate milk. This oil is no joke. If there's anyone whose hair does not like this oil please try incorporating it in your diet. Your skin, heart and scalp will thank you!

    1. Agreed Sammy! I love using it for baking and sauteing. Its just super versatile.

  2. I love coconut oil. Great post ladies x

    1. Thanks Lesley! I think that EVCO is the only "product" that I've used from the beginning of my hhj until now. I doubt that I'd ever ditch it.

  3. I agree with you. If you are not using coconut oil, your hair hates you :))

    1. LOL Evalyne! I was trying not to be dramatic but I was totally serious too. Ha-ha!

  4. coconut oil is simply the awesomest :). It helps make detangling easier with my hair when I'm on a marathon stretch and I love the smell too. Reminds me of the Bounty chocolate bar

    1. I don't even bother with lotions anymore. EVCO for all things health and beauty!

  5. I use coconut oil in every step of my haircare and it is also great for the body.

    1. I couldn't agree more Adeola! I been using it on my kids to keep their skin nourished and prevent dryness. My daughter adores the scent.

  6. I love coconut oil, but I don't use it enough, it is the solid state it comes in at room temperature, during summer am so game when it's a liquid, but for winter, me and coconut oil are not the best of friends. I think you are right my hair hates me for not using it enough!

    1. Show your hair some love! I get it took me a while before I became a true user! lol

  7. Oh yes! I've been back at using coconut oil in my pre-poo and my hair is happy with me again lol. I love my coconut oil.

  8. Love it on my skin - HATE it on my hair! I don't know why but my hair just hates it for some reason :-/


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