Friday, July 18, 2014

5 Reasons Why Outdoor Workouts Rock | Fitness Friday

I love my gym. It's not pretentious. The people are friendly. The instructors are fierce. But real talk, my favorite workouts are in places without walls or weights; places were I can feel the wind in my hair and the sun on my face. I simply adore getting outside. Plus I love summer! *in my Olaf voice* (If you don't know by now, I'm a HUGE fan of Frozen) If you're struggling to get out of your air conditioned inside routine, here are 5 reasons to move your workout outdoors today!

Better overall health: 
People who spend more time outdoors are more active on average than people who spend less time outside. Hills uneven terrain and wind resistance challenges your muscles and your mind.

Mood Enhancement:
Research consistency shows (like here, here and here) that outdoor exposure improves mood and protects against depression. In fact, the biggest increase in mood and self-essteem occurs in the first 5 minutes of being outside.

Vitamin D:
Ultraviolet rays from the sun cause the body to produce Vitamin D, a substance that is hard to get from food sources alone. Experts say 5 to 30 minutes of sunshine two to three times a week should be enough for most people.

Renewed Focus:
The relaxed quiet of outdoor enviroments allow our brains to recharge. There are no TO DO sticky notes on trees, it's extremely difficult to walk straight if you are texting, and your email inbox isn't screaming at you. Research at the Uni of Michigan shows that being outdoors increases your ability to focus attention once your return to work-technicals details and even improves memory

Crazy High Energy:
I haven't had 8 hours of sleep in at least 5 years. (A side effect of having young children---smh!) But no matter what time I go to sleep at night, when I start my day with an outdoor walk or run, I feel super energized and totally ready to attack my busy day.
I love summmmmerrrrrr! (Sorry...I had to!)
How to get the most from working out outdoors:
Regardless of how fast you run or walk, what you wear, or how far you go. Just make sure to enjoy your time outdoors with all your senses. Breathe deeply. Listen to the birds singing.. Look for shapes in the clouds. Smell the sweet earthiness extruding from the cluster of trees along side the park. Feel the ground under your feet and the wind in your hair. The outdoors is calling!

What are your favorite outdoor workout?


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Fitness Friday


  1. I love working out outdoors for the fresh air!!!!!

    1. Me too! There is nothing like feeling your feet defeat the pavement!

      Thanks for stopping by chica!

  2. I love this picture of Olaf! I love the motivation I get from other people too, especially when I work out in the park.

    1. I secretly love it when I run past people several times and they have a look of amazement. Yep. I did that! LOL.

  3. Being outdoors in general is great, but I could never get why people loved gyms so much. The fresh air and warm sun is so much more inviting. The only thing is, sometimes It's just too hot to bother haha.

    1. To beat the heat, I walk/run in the morning and at sunset. There is something inherently beautiful about the world at those times of day! Thanks for stopping by chica!

  4. This is why I need to make lots and lots of money and buy that beachfront property:) I can see myself already jogging by the seaside with the cool ocean breeze, sand beneath my feet, wind in my hair..............a girl can dream right? Awesome post KLP!


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