Friday, October 17, 2014

My Favorite Jillian Michael's Affirmations | #FitnessFriday

For the last 4 weeks, TV's toughest trainer has kicked my butt almost every morning. Plank-jacks. Superman. Pendulum lunges. Rockstar jumps. If reading any of these exercises instantly cause you to break a sweat, your muscles burn, or your heart race, then you know my trainer. You know her very well.

Throw the confetti chiquitas! It's #FitnessFriday and today I'm sharing my all time favorite positively radiant affirmations from my good friend my head of course... and personal trainer ...when I pop in her DVDs... Jillian Michaels.

 "I want you dripping sweat and panting like a dog." - Jillian Michaels Kickbox FastFix

There are times when I'm at the gym or pounding the pavement on my favorite trails and my mind starts to drift off. "...Did I reply to Joe Blow CEO?" "...I wonder if that milk was expired." "...Did I remember to proofread that PTA meeting recap?" My focus is crappy. My form suffers. All of a sudden---I'm not giving my workout 200%. And as a stuff proclaimed cardio queen so if I'm not dripping sweat and panting like a dog...I'm just not doing it right.

RELATED: True Life- I'm Addicted To Cardio

Jillian loathes. And I mean LOATHES "phoning it in." If you're going to take time out of your day. Time just for you, why not be intentional. Focus on the muscles that you're working. Feel them getting stronger. Be present in the moment. Own your workout and own your success.

"Don't get to the finish line and quit. Always finish strong." -Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred

You're half way in. You're tired. You're muscles hurt. You're sweating in places where men shouldn't know that women sweat in. You're probably ready to quit.

RELATED: What I Learned About Hurts, Hang ups, Habits, and Healthy Hair While Running

Jillian knows that you're cursing her. She knows that you just want to turn the DVD off. But she believes that not only can you finish. But that you can finish strong. All she wants is your all. #toughlove

This is about being strong physically to reflect how strong you are in every other facet of your life. -Jillian Michaels 6 Week Six Pack

You are stronger than you think. A lot stronger. Jillian will keep saying it until you believe it. You'll kick butt at work. Cure boo boos with a single kiss. All while cooking dinner like a rockstar. If you can be strong for everyone else and everything else in your life, why not be strong for yourself?

RELATED: #FitnessFriday- Why Strong is the NEW Skinny

I could go on and on about all of the awesome positively inspiring *$%! that Jillian Michaels says but I'll leave you with this: Let today be the day that you get comfortable with being uncomfortable. It's supposed to be hard and it's supposed to hurt. But that pain...that's just fear leaving the body. 

Jillian Michaels DVD collection is available instantly on 

Knock 'em dead #FitnessFriday fam!



Let the countdown begin! T-21 days until your new and improved #FitnessFriday linkup relaunches. Bigger. Badder. Bolder. All to cultivate a community of strong fiercely fabulous and fit mamacitas. Until then link up with either my bloggy boo Ebony from or myself on Fridays to share how you lived well this week!


  1. I love Jillian! Great affirmations...the linkup keeps giving me error messages something about a backlink required from you...

    1. Hey chica! Make sure that you've added your #FitnessFriday badge.

  2. I LOVE Jillian workouts!!!!! LOVE them! I'm not usually a fan of at home workouts because you generally do 'phone it in' but hers are great! And they're quick. No messing around!!!

    1. My favorite DVD is the Kickbox Fastfix! It's high energy and totally intense. Plus, I feel like I could kick butt and take names afterwards. LOL


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