Wednesday, October 15, 2014

[Hairstyle] Criss-Crossed High Bun + Tangles | #WashDayExperience

The last 67 weeks of this stretch has been fairly simple and straight forward. Stretch hair with curls. Wear hair down for a few hours. Bun it up or twist it back. Well, I kinda didn't follow my own plan of attack and now I'm really asking myself if it's time to throw in the towel. Here's how my #washdayexperience went:

  1. Extreme deep condition- I fully detangled my hair then applied Matrix Biolage Hydrasource Conditioner to my roots and Joico K-Pak Revitaluxe to my ends. Then I massaged my stands with extra virgin coconut oil, covered with a plastic cap and let sit for a few hours.
  2. Tea Rinse- using 2 green tea bags steeped in 2 cups of water + 2 tbsp of glycerin.
  3. Smoothing Treatment- with a large dollop of Matrix Biolage Detangling Solution.
  4. Air Dried- I applied a bit of Chi Silk Infusion to 80-85% wrapped in a cotton t-shirt.
  5. Leave ins-I used Jessicurl Too Shea Extra Moisturizing Conditioner to moisturize, extra virgin coconut oil to seal and stretched my hair using banding. 

The Results: 
Without my signature curls, I really had NO CLUE how to style my hair. I looked into my Bun Effect (my favorite protective styles) backlog for answers. I tried a low bun; But I couldn't smooth my edges back. I tried my 30 second old faithful updo; Trust me---you don't want to see pictures of that catastrophe. So I went straight into a high bun. 

I know exactly where I went wrong today---my hair wasn't properly stretched. SHOCKER right? I used all of my favorite products. I even deep conditioned overnight. But without a proper stretch to blend my super curly roots. It's. All. In. Vain.

BUT...there's an upside. I usually shed like a cat when the seasons change. Not this Fall! (Yet) My lost hair was sincerely a joke this week. I pray that the trend continues!

How was your #washdayexperience?



  1. Love the high bun. I tend to shed more when the seasons change as well, but I think since the weather is warm one day and cool the next here in NC my hair is confused. Good news for me :)

    1. The weather is just as bipolar in my hood too. Luckily for me, the humidity is actually helping keep my hair moisturized. Hi-five for small wins!

  2. You didn't stretch your roots and lived to tell about it!! If my roots aren't properly stretch it is heck to deal with throughout the week especially if I am trying to moisturize my hair-- its just a tangly nightmare. I'm glad your hair didn't notice the change in season-- can't say the same about my itchy, flaky scalp

    1. A. Complete. Mess.

      SMH. Harlem---what was I thinking!?! I'll probably milk this high bun for 3 more days so that I can prep myself mentally for the detangling disaster that I'm gonna face. Remind me to NEVER EVER NEVER do this again. Thanks in advance! LOL.

  3. All of your hair looks totally natural. Best of both worlds. Have you decided to transition to fully natural yet or are you considering texlaxing again?

    1. Everyone thinks that I'm completely natural because of how my roots have taken over. I'd never rule out texlaxing again. But I doubt that it will happen today or tomorrow or even the next day. Every couple of #washdayexperiences, I have trouble managing the textures. But so far so good. My goal right now is length retention. Including my pitiful texlaxed ends.

      Thanks for asking chica!

  4. Throw in the towel as in end your stretch and relax your hair?!?! This is like the most epic, successful stretch of someone who doesn't seem to be considering transitioning I've ever seen! I think if I didn't stretch my roots at 67 weeks post, I would never be able to work this bun. All of your hair does look natural, too. Very well done, KLP!

    1. HAHAHAHAHA! I'm literally giggling uncontrollably right now! I might have snorted a few times. #dontjudgeme. HAHAHAHA!

      I love your ever sweet spirit Melanie! You made my heart smile!

      I just feel defeated when my hair fights back and ends up in a "I surrender" high bun. It makes me ask---what the heck is the purpose of all of this again? But you're right, I really can't let one crappy #washdayexperience styling session throw me off my game.

      Thanks for stopping by chica!

  5. You're texture is so gorgeous KLP. It really does look like you're totally natural x

    1. Thanks Lesley! I suppose that I need to figure out what hair type I have huh?

  6. Amazing! To be able to execute a washday at 67 weeks post relaxer, with a neat rescue-high-bun, and so LITTLE shedding or breakage is just amazing to me. Your bun looks lovely, #win :-)

    1. Awww...thanks Rachel! I definitely won't skip setting my hair next week! #lessonlearned

  7. It looks like you've joined team natural dear. You could've fooled me.

    1. I hadn't really noticed it before I took these pics. No wonder most people think that my hair is completely natural.

  8. 67 weeks is like far out. Puts my little 14 weeks to shame. Here I am struggling at 14 yet you're beating 67 like it stole something. Great job, K! Your hair looks totally natural. Natural or rock both.

    1. 14 weeks is a HUGE accomplishment chica! I was never the girl getting a relaxer every 6 weeks. My mother only relaxed my hair (and her hair too) on special occasions. I surely do wish that I knew then what I know now! Then maybe I would have been able to retain of of the length!

  9. You are the don of the loooooong 'stretch' (??)! Your bun is the stuff of dreams. I personally am such a convert to the church of tension blowdrying - I'm only halfway through a 25 weeks stretch and it's a necessity now if I don't want to have an impacted hat of curly roots with straggly relaxed ends hanging out.

    1. LMAO Lam! Girl, you're so silly! Congrats on making it halfway through your 25 week stretch. *fist pump*

  10. I think (hope) I'm overly paranoid about my hair loss but I should start taking pictures, maybe that will calm me down!

    1. My guess is that you probably are. Snap a few pictures of your collected loss hair after each #washdayexperience to get a baseline of how much you shed. Also, don't forget, a shedding busting---even breakage preventing routine takes a few weeks to go in full swing. So please don't get discouraged in the meantime. You rock chica!

  11. 67 weeks post?! Wow! Go gurl! And here i am at 13 wks thinking of getting a relaxer soon *runsandhides* Your hair looks nice and healthy, love the bun btw. My longest stretch was 28 wks and i did more harm than good so am not ready to go back to that. Good job!

    1. This is my FIRST time stretching for this long without horrid breakage. In fact, last year, I'd decided to throw in the towel on stretches longer than 12 weeks. Obviously---I lied. LOL.

      Thanks for stopping by chica!

  12. Ma'am. When I first clicked into this post my first thought was "did KLP chop and is now natural and didn't tell anyone!?" Clearly you're a friend-in-my-head and I was all in my feelings LOL! I agree with everyone above, your hair looks au natural!

    1. LOL! If I chopped y'all would be the FIRST to know! My roots are just taking over and this is what my hair looks like if I don't stretch it on rollers, bantu knots, or with cold-air tension.

  13. Wash day is such the event. I like your regiment though. I really need to pinpoint a better one for myself. Really, I do...

    1. Thanks Marie! You should totally wash and share your experience next week chica! We'd love to have you apart of the #washdayexperience fam! Thanks for stopping by

  14. 67 weeks post..we should crown your the queen of stretch!!!

    1. LOL! You're sooo silly Miranda! Thanks for stopping by chica!


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