Friday, February 14, 2014

What I Learned About Life, Lust, and Longer Hair in Spin Class

Sometimes it feels like losing that initial weight is easier than maintaining it. Today, I'm linking up with the awesome Ebony of Longing4Length, fiercely fabulous Britt of One&20, and stunning Nadege of RelaxedHairHealth to share what I learned about life, lust, and longer hair in Spin class. 

Post minion #1, I'd learned to crave working out---just for the exhilarating feeling of doing something to make me a better me. So, when I found out that I was preggers with minion #2, I was in the best shape of my life. From the jump, I knew that I had to change my "pregnant mindset" if I was going to stay that way. Eating for two didn't give me a pass to finish of a giant bag of Doritos in one siting (even if the baby wanted it). After consulting with my doctor, I continued a light version of my workout routine, remembering to stop when it was uncomfortable and not to get frustrated when my body wouldn't do everything that I did when I wasn't knocked up. I gained far less than I did with my first little one and it was actually easier to lose it the second go around. Even though the scale said that I was back at my pre-baby weight, my jeans didn't. My body wasn't as toned as it was before and I knew that it was time to try something different. I joined a gym (with an amazeball daycare) and fell head over heels in love with Spinning---not for its obvious cardiovascular benefits but for what its taught me about life, lust, and claro que si, longer hair. 

Life- You only get out what you put in: I can take my Spin class easy, or I can push myself to the limit, but I can't expect to get the same results. Putting in a 2 won't get me up that hill. Putting in a 2 won't get me the results that I want. If I want to put in a 2, I am literally wasting my time. Pushing past all of the excuses and complaining is the only way to get results. Spin is hard. Spin isn't really all that fun. Spin hurts like hell the first go around. But not everything that we do---in the name of being the best that we can be--is supposed to be easy, fun, or feel great. Yet the pain is always worth the reward.

Lust- Stop waiting for change to happen, go out and make it happen: You see that chica in the front row? You know the one with game face on, water bottle ready, fancy riding shoes laced up, 6 pack abs of steel, who doesn't sweat---she sparkles?'s so easy to want all that and then some---maybe even to hate her a little on the inside. But wipe up your drool and shut down the hate---ALL that didn't happen overnight. Neither will my change. She's following the instructor's every direction. She's climbing her hill with max resistance. She's perfected her form. If I want it---I have to work for it. There is certainly plenty of room in the world for more than one fit chick.

Longer Hair- Consistency and commitment: There is no secret to a faster toned body or longer hair overnight. <collective gasp> Don't believe the hype. Don't believe the infomercials. Consistency and commitment are the keys to success in everything that I do. The most difficult concept to understand is that what I am doing right now---the bad habits that I'm coveting and won't shake---are my only obstacle. Yep. I said it. I am my most beautiful problem. Still not making time to deep condition? Sorry boo, that's not commitment. Constantly finding excuses not to mount that bike and max out the interval? Sorry boo, that's not consistency. My consistency in Spin class and commitment to caring for my hair requires me to get out of my own way so that my actions result in a stronger body and healthy longer hair.

Ay dios, I just love reading about fitness journeys. Share yours with us below! Be sure to follow all of the co-hosts before you link up and if you're interested in co-hosting Fitness Friday, shoot me a note



  1. I am trying to keep up:-) It gets hard sometimes. Great post.

    1. When I get bored or lose motivation---I'm usually perturbed about getting into a rut. That's when I try something else. For example, I've signed up for a 5k in March. Not wasting my entry fee is motivation to stay in the gym this winter. Good luck chica!

  2. I applaud you for your commitment and it will pay off in the long run. Spin hurts the inside of my legs so I stopped but I did enjoy the class especially the music we used was alot of motivation.

    1. Thanks Tomi! Did you try letting your instructor adjust your bike? My first day of spin was BRUTAL. My legs hurt, my lady parts hurt---yes I know that's totally TMI---and my arms were killing me. During my next class, I got there early so that I could spend some time adjusting my seat, handle bars, etc. It really helped!

  3. Amazing post! I hope to be that woman that is in amazing shape when she conceives!

  4. Loved reading this, I realized that I have to push and give 100 each time I train. The results won't come by giving 50% It's all or nothing and it sure does feel good once you're done.
    Keep up the good work.

    1. It kinda sucks that we can't put in less and get out more. :/ But in the end---no one says---oh my body is soooo fit and toned---I wish that I didn't work out. Ha-ha!

      Thanks for the encouragement chica!


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