Friday, February 28, 2014

Gym vs Home Workout | Fitness Friday

This month marks my one year gym membership anniversary. *Throws Confetti* Belonging to a gym is a little luxury, a little social, and a little motivating. After all, you are literally putting your money where your mouth is. But, I'm not so sure that it works for my life. Today, I'm linking up with the awesome Ebony of Longing4Length, fiercely fabulous Britt of One&20, and stunning Nadege of RelaxedHairHealth to share my thoughts on the gym vs home workout debate.
I didn't fall in love with exercise until after I had my first child. Because I was a glorified single mom (my hubby was deployed), money was tight, and I was super self-conscious, I decided that working out at home was my best bet. I picked up some hand weights, a couple of DVDs, and got a subscription to Women's Health Fitness magazine then got to work. I lost about 25 lbs in 6 months. No magic diet pill. No starvation. No gym. Interestingly enough, I was able to stay toned and within my target jean size for nearly 2 years---when I got knocked up again.

After my second child, the weight came off with working out at home, but the toning didn't. I joined my gym last year to help. Two days of Spin class and a day of Pilates got me the toning that a craved in about 3 months, but the results have plateaued. Today, whilst I'm still in my target jean size, I yearn to be toned the way that I was before again. Here's why I think that my at home workouts work better for my lifestyle:
Variety: Believe it or not, but I'm totally intimidated by the gym. I trip over my own feet whilst walking---You'll never see me on the treadmill. Thus, only go to my gym for the group classes. I've gotten addicted to Spin and Pilates. Plus they're offered during a time that works with my schedule. The problem: I think that my body is used to the moves. When I workout at home, I never do the same routine. Some days I'll run. Other days I'm HITT training with my hubby. Then other days, I'm yelling at Jillian Michaels for kicking my butt via DVD. I don't feel limited or intimidated by my exercise choices at home. When I get bored with one thing, I go and do something else. 
Form: If you've ever been to a Zumba, BodyCombat, or Spin class, you know that the moves can get complicated and its hard to keep up. There are days when I struggle with focusing my form. Group classes are fun, high energy, and super motivational, but sometimes I feel distracted because there is so much going on. At home, I get to focus on me. I get to visualize the body parts that I'm working. I can stop when my form feels off. I can slow down and I can rewind.

Convenience: My gym is probably 2 miles away and takes 5 minutes to get to. Yes. That is super convenient. However, my hubby has a very demanding work schedule that requires my flexibility, my kids are active in after-school/recreation, and sometimes I just can't convince myself that class is more important than the mountain of laundry calling my name. When I workout at home, I don't have to choose. I can do the laundry and workout. I have a double stroller so when the weather cooperates, I strap in my minions and go for a run. Pilates ain't got nothing on running up a hill pushing a 65lbs worth of little people giggling "Mommy go faster!" Ha-ha! If that's not motivation then I don't know what is.
Does this mean that I'm giving up my gym membership? Heck no. What it does show me is that I can achieve the same if not better results from working out at home. I still enjoy being in a high energy, dynamic healthy environment. But now I understand, that I don't have to be in the gym 5 days a week to see my body change. Preventing my body from adapting to my workout routine, regardless of where said routine is performed is my wellness sweet spot. 

Let's inspire together! Create a fitness related blog post and link up every Friday with me, Ebony of Longing4Length, Britt of One&20, and Nadege of RelaxedHairHealth.

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  3. Inspire the Fitness Friday contributor that linked up directly before you with an encouraging comment. We are each here to support each other and build a community of determined women and hair-friends. (Don’t worry, the chica ​who links up after you will do the same; So everyone gets love​!).
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  1. Interesting debate; I love both gym and at home but for convenience sake, I like to do at home. I could have some 10 minutes work out at night before taking my shower which helps a lot. I can't stay at the gym till 9pm so home counts here.

    1. Agreed Abena. When I'm short on time, home workouts are much more convenient. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I was big on working out at the gym. But due to no income I had to give it up. Once I was able to go back I definitely went but the feelinfg wasn't the same. I loved my gym and still do but I cancelled my membership last in favor of home work outs. I can do it at my pace and I don't have to worry about the drive back home once I'm done. The weather in Chicago has been horrendous this winter. Lol

    1. OMG---the winter weather here on the east coast has been TERRIBLE this year. I don't remember ever being sidelined from running by the winter cold this much last year! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Congrats on your one year gymaversary! I'm much more of a gym person - group classes to be exact. I have so much equipment at home but lack the self-motivation to workout at home consistently.

    1. Group classes are my thing! I knew on the first day of body combat, that I'd be a lover for life!

  4. Great debate! I workout at home and at the gym. I think I like home better BUT I don't have the equipment I want SO that is why one day I will have a CrossFit gym in my garage.

    1. AMEN! I'm really wishing for a workout space in my next house! Thanks for linking up chica!

  5. I prefer the gym but I have free access otherwise I'd workout at home. I kinda skimp when working out at home though so I need to stay my little self in the gym.
    Divachyk @Relaxed Thairapy

    1. The gym certainly provides extra motivation to push yourself a little more!

  6. It's the gym for me, but at-home workouts work out too.

    Abbi of BelowtheWaist

  7. I have all the tools I would need to get a basic work out in at home but I don't have the motivation to do it regularly. I spent the first nine months of the year working out at home last year and the last 3 months working out at the gym. In three months of gym time I doubled plus some the number of workouts I had done at home on my own in 9 months. So far this year with just hitting the gym I am about 20 workouts away from all of my workouts for last year. It helps clear my head, they have all the equipment and I'm there enough the staff knows me and notice when I miss more than a few days. Plus they have a massage for when I have time to stop and use it. Since it's open 24 hours a day I can sneak in a workout at any point in time. I forgot how much I loved working out until I joined the gym. I haven't gotten the scale amount to reflect the effort yet but my clothes are fitting better, I'm sitting up straighter--thanks to those back exercises, and I can bounce up the stairs again instead of huffing and puffing. Has to be the gym for me or I turn into a shlub.

    1. Great point Southern Girl. The act of going into the gym regularly requires you to be accountable not just to yourself but to the people that I've become friends with at the gym. I'd not thought about it like that! Thanks for sharing!


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