Wednesday, November 20, 2013

{Keyda} Wash Day - 5 weeks post

Hola Chicas!!
I am in awe of my new growth! I really want a touch-up but I shall try to hold out. As I walked through Safeway, there was a sale on Organix Moroccan Argan Creme Conditioner, and I could not resist! Lol! I love Organix products. They are extremely affordable yet awesome on your hair.

New Fave DC
(1) Detangled my hair with my Magic Rake comb
(2) Prepoo with my OddStrandOut Coffee Oil mix on my scalp and the As I Am: Hydration Elation Intensive Conditioner on the length of my hair. I heated up a wet towel to place over my hair then topped with a plastic cap as well. I really wanted the moisture and oil to absorb into my hair.
(3) Cowash with Moroccan Argan Creme Conditioner. I absolutely loved the smell of this product and my hair felt yummy!
(4) Tea rinse with CC's Naturals Happy Hair Tea. Yummy! :)
(5) Smoothing Treatment- I added Roux Porosity Control Conditioner over the tea in my hair and a cap. Then Faux steamed in the shower.
(6) Leave-ins: Unintentionally, I air dried 100%. #FTWNOHEAT I applied Aphogee Keratin & Green Tea Restructurizer on length of hair, Nexxus Hydralight lift on my roots and Organix Coconut Anti-Breakage Serum on my ends.

Front w/ accent
My hair felt very soft yet strong. My scalp looked FABULOUS again! :) woot! I just love a healthy looking scalp. I am really a fan of the new conditioner from of now..I would love to try it as a prepoo. I style my hair very simply and plan on going no heat for the entire time till my next wash!

What you think chicas!? 


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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