Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday Healthy Hairology Medley

Last week was full of great healthy hair related blogs, vlogs, and forum features. Here's a few that I've bookmarked from about the web:

How To Make Miss Products Work For You tomesedition: Got some shampoos that are harsh and a bunch of mediocre conditioners laying around? Try mixing them together to make a co-cleanser. Tomi will show you how.

Determining Hair Length Landmarks on Your Body sdestrahairjourney: No matter who's hair length chart you adore, just remember that charts are guidelines not rules and they are always subjective. MBL on you might be WL on a chica with a shorter torso or a shorter neck. To figure out where your hair truly falls, check out Sdestra's guides measuring your hair growth.

7 Deadly Sins- Hair Care Edition belowthawaist: I have a not so secret confession. I am a product bunny. I hop from one product to another and then back again. I find things that work for my hair---use them for a while---then get bored and start looking for other things that work for my hair. Ha-ha! I'm able to keep it under wraps by giving myself a monthly hair allowance. I know that it sounds a little loca, but hey---it works! Which of Abbi's 7 deadly hair sins are you guilty of?

5 Ways to Make Wash Day Easier kendrathaler: Give me anything to make my wash day faster please Kendra! Check out her quick tips!

12 Lessons Learned During My 21 Week Relaxer Stretch justgrowalready: Stretching is a beast. Take mountains of tangles add thirsty roots then multiply it by weary hairlistas. More often than not---its a recipe for disaster. But I have good news *in my terrible sing/song voice* Jeni has 12 awesome tips to help you keep keepin on.
What articles made your list of the week's best healthy hair posts? Link up your run down below! But first check out our rules:

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Healthy Hairology Medley Linkup Rules:

  1. Share your run down the week's best healthy hair related blog posts, YouTube clips, and forum features that you've found about the web this week. Be it relaxed&radiant tresses, big fluffy naturalidad curls, or anything else in between. (Entries completely unrelated to the theme or linked to your homepage will be deleted---we not about that life!)
  2. Link back to this site so others see. Looky at this nifty button we made for you!
  3. Muy Importante chicas: Visit the healthy hairology post of the person who linked up directly before you and leave the author an encouraging comment. This is the most important component of this linkup. We are each here to encourage each other and build a community of determined women and hair-friends.
KLP & Keyda


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