Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Summer Big Girl Techniques

Summer Big Girl Techniques That I'm in Love With:
  1. Sealed with a Buttery Kiss- Chicas--why ain't y'all tell me that butters are some kinda sexy?!? I've been sealing my ends with Koils by Nature Nourishing Hair and Body Butter (Heavenly Delight) for a few weeks now and my hair has been in heaven! Fingers crossed that butter makes it better and keeps my ends looking lush and moisturized (and not raggedy!). In a few days, I'm going to get my apron on and mix up a homemade batch of hair butter. Wish me luck!
  2. No heat #ftw- Remember when I first started my bad habit heat detox in March? I did not think that I would make it this long and be able to count the number of times that I've used direct heat on one hand. Ah-mazing! Who knew that I would love my air dried hair so much?
  3. Co-washing is COOL- My hair loves moisture. I've never been a fan of frequent washing because I felt like it would strip the natural oils in my hair causing dryness. Dryness=breakage. Breakage=heartache. Okay, well maybe I'm being a little dramatic. But you get my drift. However, this summer because I'm back into my 5k training routine and kicking it near the pool so frequently, I've co-washed about every 2-3 days. Thus far, my hair loves it. Co-washing is keeping my roots moisturized, my scalp clean, rids my hair of dryness from the chlorinated pool water and detoxifying sweat (sounds better than the regular old nasty sweat right?). My go to co-washing conditioner is Herbal Essence Hello Hydration Conditioner. During my last salon visit, the stylist mentioned how dry my roots were. Every. single. Time. I think about hitting my pillow without moisturizing my hair, I reply our convo in my head. #nojudgementzone Then I get up and take care of my hair. Makes me wonder: what if someone told me that chocolate would ruin my hair....

What new techniques have you discovered this summer? Hasta la manana chicas! 




  1. I have definitely discovered the value of spritzing my hair with water to keep dryness as bay. I totally agree about cowashing. I LOVE it!


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