Monday, December 23, 2013

Weekly Wishes

If you're new to Weekly Wishes, its just a place where I talk about my goals or how I want to conquer my world this week. It gives me an place to reflect on the days that have passed and plan for the days ahead without getting stuck in the fact that Monday's aren't my favorite day by any means. You can join me by making your wish for the week and linking up with Melyssa @ The Nectar Collective.

Mission find fun in Chaotic Christmas was totally accomplished. My family and I participated in our church's Christmas play. This year, we decided to tell the story of Jesus' birth from the barn animals' perspective. I played a chicken, my minions played camels, and my hubby was a wise man. We had a blast and we were uber excited because of some of our extended family traveled up the east coast to our acting debut! My daughter had been practicing her line since October and she did a marvelous job!

My semi-laser focus last week give me an opportunity for an in house movie date night with my hubby and time to hang with my relatives without having to worry about catching up on real work. This week, I don't want to be preoccupied with checking email, returning client calls or getting ahead with my reports. The down side of working from home---is just that---I have the ability to work anytime that I want. And a lot of times, that means that I keep non-traditional work hours. I just want to be present whilst opening presents.

What's your wish this week? Big it big or small--speak it into existence! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. You guys look so cute together. Have a wonderful Christmas.

    1. Thanks Tomi! We had a BLAST. Time to start working on the Easter play!

  2. This pic is so adorable! My wish is to not stress out about work while I'm off, but to enjoy the holiday and get back to work mode when the time comes.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family KLP!

    1. I love those goals Andrea! Ain't no body got time for work stress! Merry Christmas to you too!

  3. Merry Christmas!! Congratulations on completing your goal last week and good luck with this weeks. It will be tough to stay away from work, but really take the time to enjoy your family. You'll never regret it!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Jillian! "I spent too much time with my family" said no one EVER! Haha! You only get one life and I'd rather spend it with the people that I love then slaving over a computer any day!

  4. I love these wishes/goals you make and I'm so happy your last one was a success!

  5. I LOVE when people tell age old stories from new perspectives!!! I wish I could've seen that masterpiece haha :)

    1. Omgosh Britt! We had our audience laughing hysterically! My cousin played the pig in charge and she channeled her enter "Miss Piggy." It was a great time!


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