Sunday, December 01, 2013

Sunday Healthy Hairology Medley

I'm devoting this medley to winterizing your hair! Look at all of these great tips that I've found about the web: 

5 Ways To Increase Moisture Retention This Winter blackgirllonghair: I've avoided investing in a satin lined super chic winter hat but I think that its time! Check out Chinwe's other awesome tips for protecting your hair from the Winter.

Holiday Event: Easy Hairstyle Ideas dessygt: Need a cute hairstyle for your holiday party but still want to keep your tresses protected from the elements? Try Dessy's Twisted Updo.

Chicoro Lead Hair Theory (Kind of) Update hairscapades: My ends usually take a beating in the winter regardless of how well I think that I'm protecting them. As I prepare for my end of year length check, Shelli may change my mind about trimming them back to blunt.

Rediscovering the Braidout freshlengths: Dear Lesley, will you travel across the pond to do my braidouts? They seem to hate me. Thanks in advance amor! If you're looking for a no heat style to get you through winter---look no further.

My Whipped Shea Butter Mix hairlicious: Y'all know that I love a good hair butter especially for my ends. Here's an awesome recipe from Sunshyne with yummy glycerin!

Best of the Best: Which Pre-Poo Treatment is the ulitimate? relaxedhairhealth: The temperatures are dropping and the air is dryer. It's totally time to invest in some rich, emollient. pre-poos. Check out the two that Nadege is eyeing.

What articles made your list of the week's best healthy hair posts? Link up your run down below! But first check out our rules:

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  1. Share your run down the week's best healthy hair related blog posts, YouTube clips, and forum features that you've found about the web this week. Be it relaxed&radiant tresses, big fluffy naturalidad curls, or anything else in between. (Entries completely unrelated to the theme or linked to your homepage will be deleted---we not about that life!)
  2. Link back to this site so others see. Looky at this nifty button we made for you!
  3. Muy Importante chicas: Visit the healthy hairology post of the person who linked up directly before you and leave the author an encouraging comment. This is the most important component of this linkup. We are each here to encourage each other and build a community of determined women and hair-friends.
KLP & Keyda

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  1. Great reads, especially the Lead Hair theory. Thank you for putting me in there too! x

    1. I'm totally rethinking my happy scissor hands thanks to Shelli's post. Especially if I continue with my no/low heat regimen.

  2. Great video!!!Hair is the crown for the women. If a woman makes the style of the hair men usually like to see the style. The heart of the man will dance up to see the hair styles and his heart leaps up to see the rhythmic sound of the hair. Flat Iron play a good role to styling Hair. I can use Flat Iron For straightening and curling Hair.For more about Flat iron check here-


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